Chapter 23

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"MINHO!" Salem yelled out as she rushed over to Minho and held him in her arms.

"Salem! What's wrong with him!?" Felix asked as he too rushed to Minho's side.

"I think he was meant to find out who his past self was on his own and since I said his name it angered him so he's showing it by harming Minho." Salem explained.

"Okay so how do we stop it!?" Felix asked eagerly.

"Jisung. Jisung- he need to wake up." Salem said with wide eyes as she stood up and rushed to Jisung. "Jisung. Jisung wake up! WAKE UP!" Salem yelled, her hands pushing down on Jisung's chest.

As Salem did so, Jisung's shot up with a deep breath. "What happened?" Jisung asked as he looked around.

"Jisung, sweetie I don't have time to explain right now. You need to help Minho and the way that you need to do it will be quite odd but it needs to be done." Salem quickly said out.

"What do you-" Jisung stopped as he looked over at Minho who sat on his knees in agonizing pain. "Min?" Jisung said as he slowly sat up on the bed and went over to Minho's side. "Salem what's wrong with him?"

"Long story short, his past self is mad at me and him. Listen if you don't listen to what I need you to do, the pain Minho is feeling will just get worse." Salem explained like a bat out of hell.

"Okay, okay! Tell me what I need to do!" Jisung yelled out.

"Okay go in front of him and take his face in your hands." Salem explained as she got at the males level, Jisung following her instructions. "Now, I need you to get him to look you in the eyes. Due to his pain, and the fact that it is getting worse, it will be hard for him to focus. If that doesn't work, we go to plan B."

"Hey, Min, look at me. Look at me Minnie." Jisung said at he lifted Minho's head at tried to look at the male who's eyes were glued shut. "Min, open your eyes. Please?" Jisung pleaded, to no eval. As Jisung continued once more, Minho opened his eyes enough to see him honey brown color, and for a moment it look as if everything was okay, but it turned for the worst when Minho groaned in agony, closing his eyes and setting his hands harshly on Jisung's knees.

"Ow! Salem what do I do!?" Jisung cried out.

"Okay, plan B. The more weird sounding part." Salem said as she shifted her position. "Move his head, and place you hands comfortably anywhere on him."

"Wha-" Jisung tired to question Salem.

"I know it's weird just do it! NOW!" Salem screamed.

Jisung hesitated for a brief while before taking his arms and placing them around Minhos neck, intertwining his finger behind Minhos head to keep the older from moving around a whole lot.

"Okay, next. Kiss him!" Salem said without hesitation.

"KISS HIM!?" Jisung yelled out as he looked back at a very determined Salem.

"JUST DO IT!" Salem and Ophelia yelled out in unison, Changbin and Felix watching from the side lines.

And with that, Jisung turned back to Minho, taking a deep breath in through his nose before connecting his lips with Minho's. His eyes open for a second to see Minhos eyes still clenched shut, so he closes them again, easing into the kiss, whether it confused him or not.

Before Jisung though about pulling away, he felt Minho kiss him back, the oldest hands on his waist. What the males didn't know was that the others in the room were witnessing something so incredibly interesting. Definitely not what Salem expected. When Minho's hands met Jisung's waist, a dim white light began emanating from him palms, seeping through the cracks.

"I wasn't expecting that." Salem whispered to Ophelia.

"I think you just accidentally made his warlock abilities show." Ophelia whispered back.

[A/N]: Hey y'all...

I feel really bad because I have been missing weeks of posting. I have no excuse, nor will I make one. Also I'm so sorry about forgetting to post test and for posting this so late.

I am so sorry for those of you who have been liking my terribly written story. I truly do apologize. After this post, I will take a couple weeks off and will try to return on the 15th or 22th of March (in 2-3 weeks).

As a tiny update, TPATBG will now be posted every other Wednesday as opposed to every Wednesday. Doing it as such will be so much easier for me. Therefor, TPATBG and BHA will be posted every other week along side one another, which indicates that there will be a story each week for you to enjoy.

It will be TPATBG one week, and BHA the next.

Again, I apologize. I love you so very much. This Saturday I will post the missed chapter of Bayton Hill Academy due to not being able to post it last week because of a very small 2 day vacation I took for health purposes, and then the next story will be posted on the 18th as a regular scheduled upload.

Thank you.

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