Chapter 22

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"Minho, do you have the blade I gave you?" Ophelia asked in a quiet manner, not to break the mini trance Minho had gone into.

"Jacket pocket." Minho answered back softly.

Ophelia stood up and walked over to where Minho had thrown his jacket, opening it to grab the blade that sneaked out of the inside pocket. Once received it, she walked back to where she once was and took the cover off of it. She then reached into Jisung's jacket pocket, pulling out his blade, doing the same as she did with Minho's.

"Ophelia, use each of their blades and, with Jisung's, prick Minho's finger just enough to get a drop of blood for the spell. Then, with Minho's blade, do the same to Jisung." Moxxie explained as she herself got comfortable atop the two males' hands.

"I should probably step out." Felix said, still trying to control his hunger, especially since he hadn't had blood in a few hours.

"Just look at me." Changbin said as he turned Felix to face him. "Plug you nose and breathe through your mouth. If it doesn't work, then we'll step out, okay?" To which Felix nodded in agreement.

"Alright, Minho, my love. Your going to feel a little poke on you right index finger. It is nothing to worry about though, okay? Ophelia explained to the half aware male, getting a very small nod as a response.

"Plug your nose Felix." Changbin said calmly right before Ophelia used Jisung's blade to make a small cut on Minho's finger. Salem handed Ophelia a small copper bowl so she could let a drop of blood fall inside.

"You okay?" Changbin asked Felix, getting a nervous nod back.

"I think so." Felix said as he placed his head on Changbin's shoulder, facing away from what was happening behind him.

Ophelia then did the same as before to Jisung, get a drop of his blood into the bowl. She then handed the bowl back to Salem who began adding the rest of the ingredients.

"Ophelia, can you cover their wounds while I do this?" Salem asked the older woman.

Ophelia nodded, grabbing the bandages that were properly placed nearby. She opened the small package, putting a bandage on each of the males fingers. She then got up and grab a piece of tissue to wipe of the small amount of blood on the top of each blade.

"Okay, Moxxie, your the only one who knows the next step." Salem said as she sat at the end of Jisung's feet.

"Repeat after me while taking your finger in the mixture, then rubbing it in a circle on your palm. anima damnatorum, spiritus praeteritorum."
(Very ruff Latin translation of 'the soul of the dammed, the spirit of the past'. If anyone speaks Latin, please let me know what the proper translation would be.)

Ophelia sat down at the end of Minhos feet following the steps after Salem and repeating Moxxie's words. After a couple chants of the words, the lights began to softly flicker, and both Salem and Ophelia's heads faced the ceiling. As the chant continued, the room got cold, and the lights went completely out.

Felix and Changbin were startled by what happened, but stayed calm in case anything were to happen.

After a short while, Salem and Ophelia's head fell forward and the chant stopped, the lights turning back on.

"We know what happened." Salem said as she stood up to grab a tissue. "Minho, you can get up now." Salem continued, but getting no response.

"Minho sweetie?" Ophelia said as she shook the male softly.

Minho didn't respond to the movement, nor the call-outs. He was awake, but unresponsive.

"Minho?" Moxxie asked as she sat up. "Minho wake up." She continued on as she walk onto Minho's chest. "Minho, you have to wake up."

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦'𝘴 𝘉𝘰𝘥𝘺𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥 || Minsung FFWhere stories live. Discover now