Sad Epilogue

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Trigger warning to some. Mentions of self harm, depression, suicide, drug use and alcohol. Read at your own risk.

Patrick POV
It was a month since Grace had died and none of us were coping.

Andy had forgotten all about being straight edge and got drunk until he passed out.

Joe got high and drunk to the point of nearly needing to be hospitalised.

Pete got extremely depressed and hid his pills which made him lash out on us all if we even mentioned Graces name.

And I well I haven't coped well at all. It has taken one whole month to plan this but today is the day. The day I'm reunited with Grace. I can't wait till I see her again. Although I will be leaving everyone else behind I'm sure they won't notice that I'm gone. They're all to busy with their problems.

I walked into Pete's room and searched until I found what I was looking for in the cupboard on his bathroom. I found his pills. I also found his shaver. I got the razor blade out of it and ran into my bedroom. I got changed and grabbed a pen and paper on my way to the bathroom. I locked the door and quickly wrote a note.

Dear Whoever Cares,
I am so sorry that  it has come to this but I can't wait till I see Grace. This is my wedding suit that I would have worn for my beautiful bride Grace but the wedding had to be rushed. Guys I will miss you all and I hope you feel better and fight off your problems. By the time you'll be reading this I will be with my bride. I guess this is it. Goodbye cruel world.

I set up a towel underneath me so that no one has to clean up my mess and I began.

I glided the shiny silver against my pale flesh and made many red marks on both my pale arms.

I then opened the bottle of pills and poured all 50 of them into my palm of my hand.

I guess this is it.

I swallowed all the pills. I felt my body slow down and this was when I knew there is no turning back.

I lost consciousness and my body fell limply to the ground.

Just like Grace I'm free.

Pete POV
"Joe Andy shall we go get Patrick so we can record some new music. I have a great idea." I said to the guys. They all agreed and we made our way to his room.

I opened his door and he wasn't there in his bedroom. I saw that his bathroom door was locked.

"Patrick are you in there?" I asked knocking on his door.

There was no reply again and again and again.

I kicked the door down and what I saw horrified me.

My best friend laying unconscious in a pool of his own blood with my empty pill bottle laying next to him. Tears fell frim my eyes and I turned to see that Joe was already calling the ambulance service. I knelt beside Patrick and tried to wake him.

"Patrick fucking wake up. This isn't funny anymore." I screamed at him.

I shook him and as I did a note fell from his hand.

I picked it up and read it.

Dear Whoever Cares,
I am so sorry that  it has come to this but I can't wait till I see Grace. This is my wedding suit that I would have worn for my beautiful bride Grace but the wedding had to be rushed. Guys I will miss you all and I hope you feel better and fight off your problems. By the time you'll be reading this I will be with my bride. I guess this is it. Goodbye cruel world.

I burst into floods of tears and so did the guys.

The paramedics ran into the room and we all stepped back and let them save our friend but they failed at that.

"I'm sorry but he has passed away. We will need to send him to the morgue." The paramedic told us.

They placed him onto a stretcher and carried his lifeless body away from us.

"Guys this us our fault. he wanted us to stop with all the drugs and alcohol and I guess it all just got to much for him and well he committed suicide. He is with his bride and they can happily live with each other now." I said.

"Well I gues we should get our life back on track." Andy said.

"Okay." We all agreed.

The band broke up but we all got it together.

Andy went back to being straightedge.

Joe stopped getting high and drunk.

I found happiness again.

And Patrick was reunited with his love. His wife. Patrick was reunited with Grace.

We were all pulled from our curse.

We had cured our problems and now...

We were all free.

Hi guys. This is the end of I'm free. Thank you all for reading this story. It means so much to me. I will be making a new story after this. I hope you enjoyed reading this story. Stay awesome.

- FallOutGirl19 -

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