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"hey, tae,"

taehyung didn't answer nor look up. he was far too engrossed in the novel he had picked up the other day. jungkook frowned. he sat a little more closer to taehyung but the latter didn't seem to notice anything.

"so," jungkook exhaled, eyeing taehyung who's still reading and not minding his friend beside him.

"i kissed a guy," he blurted out, waiting for any kind of reaction from taehyung. just a few seconds passed before taehyung comically lowered the book he was reading and slowly faced jungkook, mouth agape.

"no homo or..?"

"what? no, like, actually genuinely kissed him. a spur-of-the-moment kinda kiss. an i'm-too-drunk-to-know-what-the-fuck-i'm-doing kinda kiss," he described. taehyung's mouth still hung open as his brows furrowed.

"like a smack on the lips?"

"yeah, just a smack,"

"a smack, my guy? just a smack? bro, you are so lame, my dude. should've pulled the sloppiest french kiss you can ever do and just savoured the moment," taehyung replied, giving him an eyeroll.

jungkook's face contorted in disgust.
"what the fuck do you mean 'just a smack'? it's fucking kim seokjin we are talking about here,"

"all the more reason for a french kiss,"

"bro, i can't just go kissing my cousin's best friend!" jungkook angrily whispered, fearing other people might hear him.

"oh, come on! just saying that is such a hot thing already. girls like that kind of trope, anyway," he said with a shrug.

"well, i don't, tae,"

taehyung finally closed the book he was reading.
"so, how did it go?"

jungkook told him the whole story and taehyung just sat there, listening to him, amused.
"why do i feel like you have a chance now?" tae said after a while.

"stop giving me hope,"

"i'm not, though? i'm just telling you what i feel about what's going on between you and seokjin. it's not that i'm saying you should a hundred percent rely on my words. it's just my own interpretation. but anyway, best of luck to ya, pal," taehyung said. jungkook didn't say anything back and just dwelled on his words.

taehyung gave jungkook a side-eye.

he isn't overly worried.
it's just that he feels like something is wrong but he doesn't want jungkook to be upset so he didn't say anything.
at the back of his head, however, he can feel like it won't go well that much with seokjin.

but maybe that's just him.


a few weeks pass and jungkook just noticed something.

is seokjin avoiding him?

it feels like he is.
whenever he would see seokjin from the end the hallway and he knows they would pass by each other, seokjin would quickly steer away and go the opposite direction. jungkook would raise a brow. he wanted to greet his hyung but it seems like he's avoiding him.

it happened a few more times and now jungkook feels like he's going crazy. so many questions are going on inside his head and he can't keep up.

what's going on?
what did i do?
why is he avoiding me?
did i do somethimg wrong?
was it because of the kiss from before?

he wanted to confront him and ask him what's wrong but jungkook fears it's really just him and that seokjin's just a busy person.
but the thing is, he rarely visits the apartment anymore.

and it's scaring him now.
it feels like he pushed seokjin away and now he's slowly losing a good friend.
everything is making him anxious.

he needs to breathe.
jungkook went to the comfort room and just stared at his reflection. he's the only one there and it made things a little bearable.
he took a few heavy breaths to calm himself down and decided to wash his hands.

he was about to grab a paper towel when another student enters the comfort room and it's none other than seokjin himself.




hi! long time no see. how long has it been since my last update?
i missed the feeling of just updating my stories and seeing people enjoy it. but i've been so busy with my internship and life in general has been fucking me in the ass for god knows how long already.

i'm sorry updates aren't as consistent as it used to be.
i hate to admit it but my on-going stories had drained the hell out of me and i needed to step back to breathe. i love writing these stories, especially banana milk and cookies, but i think i pushed myself a little too hard writing for my on-going books and practically put myself into a burnout.

which is why i decided to write for the stories in my drafts instead to slowly regain my passion for writing.

so so sorry for disappointing you all. i'm going on-hiatus again. no worries though, i'll try to be better as soon as i can! i'll try to update every once in a while but!! no promises, though. i'll just update and surprise everyone haha.

also!! is anyone here a fan of poetry and prose? if so, you can check out my book: a hurricane of blues. it's completed already so anyone can read it in one sitting.
and, if you're a fan of pokemon like me, may it be the card games, mainline games, side games, fanmade games, anime, manga, or just collecting their merch, and you also happen to be a fan of angst, drama, and heartache, you can check out my newly written book: can't we just go back? i don't have a plan yet for consistent update schedule but i'l just update whenever i want to.

thank you all so much for being so patient with me.
seeing people still reading, voting, and adding my books to their reading list gives me so much joy and inspiration to keep going.

much love,

banana milk and cookies│ + j.jkWhere stories live. Discover now