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"s-seokjin hyung—"

"ah! you're so adorable, jungkook! no wonder namjoon dotes on you a lot! you never changed!" seokjin said and hugged jungkook which made the latter blush immediately.

his heartbeat picked up its pace at seokjin's words and gestures.

"you still smell the same." seokjin whispered as he hugged jungkook a little more tighter.

jungkook couldn't help but to feel his legs turn jelly.
"i'm not a baby anymore, seokjin hyung!"

seokjin laughed and moved away from him.
"oh, right. namjoon always tells me that. 'jungkook grows really fast, seokjin' or 'jungkook isn't a little kid anymore but i still kinda miss the little jungkook i spoiled' he always tell me that and it's kinda anoying sometimes. but i get him. i mean, i practically grew up with both of you, namjoon being my best friend."

jungkook smiled softly.
so seokjin really does see him as nothing but his best friend's younger cousin.
he went back to making both of them coffee.
a question that always bothered him popped into his head again.

"say, seokjin hyung," jungkook said as he poured hot water into their mugs, "have you got any crushes lately?" he asked, trying his best not to sound obvious that he has a crush on him.

seokjin hummed.

"nothing. you seemed the type of guy that doesn't fall in love easily." he answered. does he sound a little desperate for an answer?

seokjin laughed.
"oh, i fall in love easily. but it really depends on how someone treats you and how you see them. i could have someone like me but i stop myself from liking them depending on the situation and where they stand in my life." seokjin replied thoughtfully. when jungkook placed their mugs down, seokjin looked at him.
"is ggukie having a crush on someone?" he asked that made jungkook blush a deep shade of red.

"what? n-no." he muttered.

seokjin hummed, smiling mischievously.
"whatever you say."

"but have you had guys confess to you, seokjin hyung?" jungkook asked, hoping he doesn't give himself away by asking those kind of questions.

seokjin sipped on his mug before answering.
"oh, yeah. not to brag but most of the confessions i get are from guys. don't get me wrong, though. i also get a ton of confessions from girls. it's just that guys outnumber them more." he replied nonchalantly.

so, many guys actually have a crush on seokjin. not just him.
seokjin looked at him.
“are you jealous, ggukie?” he teased.

jungkook's cheeks flushed at the older's words.

“then why are you asking me these questions, hm?”

jungkook could feel his heart pound.
he could feel the heat rising to his cheeks.
“i'm jealous, yes. jealous in the sense that you get a lot of confessions; that you're really popular among the students. i don't get a lot of confessions like you.”

after hearing him, seokjin suddenly bursted laughing.
“oh, so that's what you mean! silly me!”

jungkook sighed internally.
that was a good save, jungkook.

“i didn't know you started caring about how many people like you, jungkook. honestly not a really good thing. how many people love you for your looks and how they see you won't define you, believe me,” seokjin said thoughtfully, “i've had so many people like me for just what they think i am. they haven't even seen the real me.” he said with a small smile on his lips.

jungkook's mug was almost empty.
seokjin's was already empty.

“who is the real you, seokjin hyung? what is he like?” he asked. the smile disappeared from seokjin's lips.

“no one fully knows me. i don't let them. namjoon saw a glimpse of it once. just a glimpse.”

the atmosphere suddenly felt thick to jungkook.
wrong conversation.
a few minutes of silence ensued.

“banana milk.” jungkook suddenly blurted out that made seokjin look up at him.


“i'm craving for banana milk. i missed having one.” he said that made seokjin chuckle.

“you really are a baby, jungkook.”

“i'll go grocery shopping.” jungkook replied and finished his remaining drink.

“i'll come with you. i don't really have much to do till joon comes back, anyway.” jungkook's heart pounded.

seokjin really needs to distance himself from him or he'll lose his mind anytime soon.

or at least he should distance himself from seokjin.

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