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jungkook couldn't remember anything when he woke up the next morning.

he was lying down on his bead, his head aching like it had been sledgehammered last night.
his vision was all blurry as it slowly adjusted to the light coming from his bedroom window. when he sat up, he held his head.
"i'm so never gonna drink again." he muttered under his breath as he got up and went out of his room.

namjoon was cooking breakfast when he went to the kitchen.
"oh, good morning," namjoon said, his back turned to jungkook, "drink some water first so you'll feel better."

"mrmmm," jungkook replied and poured himself a glass of water, "where's seokjin hyung and shawn?" he asked.

"they left an hour ago," namjoon said as he put their breakfast on the plate, "shawn has work today and seokjin needs to sleep."

jungkook hummed. namjoon placed the plate in front of him and sat down.
"you have work today as well, right?"

namjoon chewed on his food.
"yeah, i have to leave early. clean the house while i'm gone before your shift," he said, "we both have work today."



for the whole day, jungkook did nothing but to clean the house. it was a mess last night with all the empty cans and boxes of pizza but namjoon already cleaned it and put in the trash can.

as he was throwing it away occurences from last night blurred together from his memory. some pieces seemed odd. some felt like it was all a dream. the rest were regret.
it was nice, jungkook knew, to get to know shawn, but being with all his hyungs AND shawn was different. he felt a little out of place. maybe because the three were too drunk to notice and was just having a lot of fun. it was completely understandable yet he feels so left out.

shawn's a nice person.
but he's too nice to seokjin.
every now and then, he would put an arm on seokjin's waist. or when seokjin was throwing his head a little too far to laugh, shawn would put an arm on his back. small bits of jealousy would bubble inside jungkook but he won't show that to anyone. he wanted namjoon to at least be the one to do it, even better if it was him who did it instead.

and then there's this issue going around that seokjin was going out with someone from their class (which surely is shawn, jungkook guessed). shawn's gestures towards seokjin says a lot but then again maybe, he's just like that. these back and forth thoughts running around jungkook's head, contradicting each other, and cancelling each one out, drained his energy. overthinking things was a bad idea and he let himself indulge in it without even giving much thought about the physical and mental effect it would to him.

and so after cleaning the house, he lied down the sofa and closed his eyes. whatever ran through his mind related to seokjin and shawn, he immediately cut out and fell comfortably asleep until his shift today at work.


it was late in the evening when jungkook went out of the coffee shop. he had to help fix a problem inside their manager's office. just that evening, he received a text from an unknown number. shawn texted him asking to meet up with him. he replied saying he was still at work and will text back after he's done. and when he was, he texted shawn. the latter replied he was at a noodle house downtown.

jungkook wore his jacket and walked the still busy streets.
cold weather is definitely an understatement. the winds were chilly and he had to keep his hands inside the pockets of his jacket.

beside the chilling weather, it wasn't snowing just yet.
maybe the snow will be their reward after they finish their finals and get their much awaited christmas vacation.

when he went inside the noodle house, his eyes scanned the area and immediately found shawn's back. he went towards him and greeted him.
"oh hi, jungkook," shawn greeted, "sorry for inviting you out on such a short notice."

"it's fine," he replied, sitting down, "may i ask what's this about?" a waiter went to their table and asked for their order.

"have you tried their beef stew here?" shawn asked to which jungkook shook his head.
"their beef stew is the best soup when the weather's like really cold." shawn ordered two beef stews for them.

when the waiter left, shawn looked at him.
"it's about last night. this is like my sorry and thank you to you." jungkook gulped.

"last night was literally wild and i'm sorry the three of us partying a little too hard. maybe you feel a little awkward seeing us especially me just getting drunk." shawn said.

"no, it's okay. i'm glad you guys get to hang out and relax every once in a while." jungkook said, being as honest to himself and to shawn as much as he can. of course he wants them to be happy, it's just the jealous part of him that doesn't.

when their food came, shawn told him to just enjoy the soup and that there's nothing to worry about him inviting jungkook.
"really, i just know i needed to say sorry to you. consider this as my 'i want to get to know you better' treat." shawn said with a small smile as he adjusted his glasses.

jungkook could only smile.



hi sorry for taking so long to update.
college is full of shit let me tell you at least just that. i will never get tired of saying that. why do i even college at this point i need to stop college-ing or smthn like dat

i crave validation. please don't forget to comment down below what you think of tonight's chapter: a shawn and jungkook interaction, everybody. please comment down below (thank u!) liked this chapter? don't forget to click that vote button as well (huge thank u!!). again, if you wanna be updated with this book or any of my books OR just random posts from yours truly, feel free to follow me (pls just get me to 200 followers im begging yall).

have fun guys. for the love of god, pls wear masks when you go out. keep your distance from other people (it'll be at your advantage i promise). and just.. just stay safe in these difficult times.

enjoy your 24 hours.
see you in my next update.

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