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Anna's POV

"So what's the time of death?" I asked as I dug through his pockets.

"He definitely wasn't robbed. Credit and debit with a bit of cash in his wallet." I said.

"Oh... and your girlfriend's buisness." Garret said giving it to me.

I smacked him aside of the head before getting it. But this time it had London's name crossed out.

Than a crescent mark on the back of the business card. I put it in a bag as I could think of finger prints

"Time of death may 10-12 hours ago." Dennis said snapping the gloves.

"Alright Lainey...pictures Garret I want you to contact Miss Andersons office." I said leaving.

I kept the card out of evidence. London told me she didn't want her dads business.

I walked by the pile of books that were made by London. I have to say she has a pretty good skill in writing.

I really do miss her accent. Her slightly British accent that she tried to hide.

"So I called and a girl picked up but London wasn't there yet." Garret said.

"Take Lainey and go to the building. I want London back here. You here me?" I asked and he nodded before snickering off.

I rolled my eyes as I looked at the card. I went down to the pan asked asked personally for finger prints.

Hours later she told me that they weren't any. Clean off.

The Andersons are smart...

"But Shumate we have seen the same crescent for years now. It's insane that we haven't caught them yet." She said as I looked at most of our uncracked casses signed with the same crescent after a theft or a murder.

"Damn it." I mumbled calling Garrett.

"No ma'am. Guards threw us out because she wasn't here." Garrett said and I groaned in frustration.

"GARRET! I'm not messed around here we have to catch them before I make it look like I didn't kill you!" I yelled.

"Woo... okay, calm down. We made sure to leave a message. Why don't you just personally call her?" He said and I scoffed.

"Your fucking stupid sometimes." I said hanging up.

I opened up the old case files back awhile to see cases that has the same crescent marks back in 2001. They sure have a big business to get caught not once.


I went home as it was dark. I yawned tiredly before unlocking my door. I stood their wide eye to see a picture of London on my wall.

But with blood splattered on her face and a gun hole in the middle of her forehead.

I grabbed some gloves from the kitchen after checking through the house or see if anyone else was here.

"Freaking bastards." I mumbled turning the back of the page.

"The news will love this. London Anderson brutally murdered by a unknown organization..." I mumbled reading it.

I went back to the precinct before calling the company again and again.


"Good fucking Christ! You get on my nerves so much!" I yelled.

"Hello. You've reached London's Anderson! Please leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you later!" The phone said as I groaned.

I mocked the phone before going down to the files of old cases. Stayed up all night just to not get any shit done.

Soon after I got a call. London answer it as I felt a little happy to hear her British accent standing out.

Before discussing I made a time for her to meet me at the cafe.

"Your not gonna kidnap me and take me in to interrogation?" She asked.

"Of course not... we're here to protect you." I said hearing her mumble that made me roll my eyes.

"Just meet me please. We can take you to a safe house until we at least get a less on this case." I said.

"No! I'm not going to some safe house. And especially not with you." She said.

She finally agreed to an agreement as we met up at her house instead. I guess she was tired and needed a heavy drink of her own.


She's gotten more... how should I say this. More prettier? More confident? Yep that's it. She's dyed the tips of her hair red to which her entire hair color is close to white.

"You know staring is quite rude..." she said as she poured herself a glass of red wine.

"I'd like to observe things." I said.

"Yeah we'll I'd like to observe how you almost killed me two years ago!" She said sarcastically.

"Only because you wouldn't get out of the car. Don't blame me for that princess." I said before grabbing the vodka she has.

I poured myself a glass and walked to where London was outside on her balcony.

She must have moved to a bigger houses the view from her balcony is immaculate as we watched the sun go down.

"So you'll pack your things for the safe house  right?" I asked standing behind her as short as she was...

"No, Anna I never agreed to a safe house." She said as a cool breeze came by.

"How about we guard your entire house with guards?" I asked.

"NO!" She yelled.

"Makes me remember of hold home too much." She said.

"Than why don't a couple people stay? I know some of the best people to be around? Plus you look lonely here." I said.

"Why... don't you stay?" She asked and I could hear the hint of seductiveness in her voice.

She turned again and she smiled before rubbing her hand from my torso up to my neck before wrapping her arms around my neck and smashing her lips against mine.

It kept happening... one thing led to another... we're in her bedroom and the only light we had was the moon from her window.

She has an amazing view from her bedroom and it's also far from the neighbors so nobody could see us.

Clothes after clothes on the floor... and the beautiful smooth skin she has as I gripped her waist and forcing a kiss down her throat.

"Is this okay?"

I don't know if I should rob you guys from this 🤭

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