Slight Teaser

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AN: I don't want to spoil much, so all I'll say is that this story will take a little while to update. Main reason being I'm trying to make it just a tad longer than normal. I've got a few other surprises in store as well, but I'll leave you guys with this.

Bell and Tiona found themselves in a different room from the one Ais was currently in. With them was Airmid and Dian. The old looking god was able to mellow out with Bell being a regular at the clinic. His greedy tendencies were still there, but at least his Familia was able to respect him more and he turned into a much better person than he used to be. Right now, the four of them were trying to think of some kind of way to raise funds for the new project Airmid is working on.

Dian: *Head in his hand* Hrm, I got nothing...

Tiona: *Slamming her hands on the table* I've got it! We can sell Airmid's bathwater!

Airmid: *Blushing hard* WHAT?!!

Tiona: Think about it, it'll be like a powerful healing potion if someone drinks it.


Dian: *Tapping his finger on the table* No, I'll save that for when I open a bathhouse.

Airmid: Lord Dian! *Horrified*

Dian: There's got to be something else that will get the money we need.

Bell: Hm, maybe if she joins an expedition?

Dian: An expedition?

Bell: Yeah. She could work as a healer and be paid to join.

Dian: Hm, that could work. What do you think, Airmid?

Airmid: Well, maybe. I'm not meant for fighting anyway. Being able to help those in the Dungeon would allow me to fulfill my duty as a doctor.

Bell: I can ask Mr. Finn if you can join the next Loki Familia mission.

Airmid: The Loki Familia?! I-I don't think we should be trying for something like that! I mean, they would never accept me, I'm just a level 1!

Bell: Yeah, but you'd be a big help to them. That new Line person is a support too, but no one is a dedicated healer. They could save more potions with you along.

Airmid: You really think so?

Bell: Yeah, right, Tiona?

Tiona: *Thumbs up* A hundred percent!

Airmid: *Smiling* Thanks guys.

Sorry for the wait, just been really busy.

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