Digging deeper

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"How would your son... Irish... was his name..." he said as I shake my head.

"Danish..." I correct him, half amused as his way of remembering names.

"How would your son remember his dad?" He asks as I shrug.

"A good father... until he woke up late in the middle of the night and saw a wife beating jerk." I say taking a deep breath.

It's been over an year, and talking is easy. It took hours of therapy to reach this point. It does hurt, especially when related to Danish considering he'll live with his father's name forever.

"My father left me with my mother, who's a living embodiment of... Satan and re-married and has a whole new family. He never looked back at me once. Why should I carry his name?" he says with a shrug as I realize we had had too much whiskey to be sharing such deep dark secrets.

"My son is named after Danish pastries... because I had too much of them when I was expecting..." I say as he laughs throwing his head back.

"Hahahaha" I notice his hair fall back and his long neck exposed out of his shirt.

"That's bullying material for high school. A kid with the name Danish is fine, but a teen... and then an adult." He says cringing and fake shivering.

"It's a fine name. STTOOPP..." I say as he shakes his head when his phone rings.

"It's Ambar." He says as I nod.

"That's our cue." I say getting up from the chair and almost loosing balance but he held my hand that I had reached for my phone kept on the table.

"Oopps.." I say realizing how drunk I was, and stood straight drinking a glass of plain water as he talked on the phone.

"Hey, No, I fixed the tire long ago, then I... met a friend... No, I'm not banging anybody... Geez Ambar, what do you think of me?" he says with pauses in between followed by his silence as the music from the bar resonated with my body.

"Okay, I'll pick you up in the morning." He says as I tilt my head.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Ambar is staying the night at his in-laws, so He won't need me." He says as I nod.

"We're not driving. Let's call a cab." He says as I shake my head, dropping a text to my mom and looked up.

"I can't go home drunk. I'll get a room in the hotel near this bar." I say as the music felt like it was reaching my core as my ass wiggled to the beat.

"You got moves." He says looking at my ass and I nod, taking his hand and pulling him towards the dance floor.
I don't remember much, but I know that was the most fun I had, in almost 6-7 years.

No husband, whose permission was needed and no child to care for. Just me and what I wanted.

Like a free brook going down the valley, shaping her own course. No worries and no tensions, no responsibilities and no duties...

Just Me...

Sabina Rattan

That's the only person that mattered.


I cuddle into the huge man beside me and he accepts me into his arms, the warmth of our naked bodies soothing and comforting.

Hold on.

Naked bodies... I open my eyes and look down at him in his boxers and me in my lingerie.

"Fuckk.." I groan and immediately sit up and feel like hammers striking in my forehead.

Great. A fuckin hangover.

I notice the 6'5" giant of a man as he moves beside me and slowly opens his eyes like some fuckin sleeping beauty.

Something happened between us? Why can't I remember it?

His lips curve into a smile as well, while he checks out my naked body.

"Want some more, beautiful?" he asks with a wink, supporting his head up on his elbow.

I cover my cleavage with the sheets and look at him through narrow eyes. But before I could say something, I remembered that... I forgot his name. I read it from his batch on his uniform and he doesn't have it on.

Shit... I was so busy staring at that beautiful jawline and so desperate to forget all my worries last night that I may have slept with this bag of STDs.

"Good morning by the way..." he says sitting up, his morning wood creating a huge tent covered by the sheets. He bends to the side, I guess to kiss me and I bend backwards away from him.

"Oh... No... No... That was a one night thing..." I say and throw the pillow on his shaft's outline visible through the fabric.

"Cover yourself.." I say and pull the sheets away from his body. He puts the pillow between his legs covering his modesty as I start looking for my clothing items strewn all around the room.

"Is it too tempting?" he asks as I look for my clothes ignoring him.

"Well.. That's a first.." he says shocked and I keep the sheets around me tight looking at him.

"Excuse me.. what first?"

"A girl I couldn't satisfy.." he says and winks.

"It's not about satisfaction.. I have a 4 year old son, who'll need his mom as soon as he wakes up.." I say as he gets up from the bed and throws the pillow away.

"Sabina..." he calls out as I avoid looking at him, guilt clawing at my throat.

"WHATT..." I ask irritated as he comes to me and I take a step back.

"Nothing happened..." He says as I sigh.

"Huh?" I ask shocked, blinking away tears.

"Nothing happened between us except... a little strip show to Adele's song... Which was hot... but yeah... then I put you in bed and you were soon snoring." He says as I look at his naked form.

"I might have to wear that uniform to reach my apartment, before I could change. Don't want it wrinkly." He says as if understanding my confusion as I fall back on the bed relieved, sitting with my head between my hands.

He kneels in front of me, as I sat on the bed and puts his hand forward. I was confused as a look of assurance passed over his eyes and I put my hand in his.

"I might be an ass, who loves fucking but I don't do non consensual... You were not in your senses and I would never have had sex with you, in that condition..." he says pressing his lips to my knuckles.

"Thank you... This means a lot." I whisper wiping a stray tear.

"Oh... Hey... Don't cry... I won't joke like that ever again." He says sitting next to me on the bed and envelops me in a hug as I feel his muscular torso under the touch of my palm.

"Umm..." I say pushing him away. "Get dressed."

"Yeah, too tempting. Right?" he says as I show him the middle finger. He picks up my index finger as well and brings his mouth, taking them in and sucking both of them together as a shiver runs down my spine. He takes it out of his mouth and gets closer whispering in my ear as I struggle to breath.

"When, I fuck you... your body will tell you the next day and you'll remember every moment of it." He whispers as my lungs feel like they are about to collapse with the deficiency of oxygen. He then takes a step back and gets up walking towards his uniform kept in the corner.

"Let's dress up, so you can drop me. Oh, my uniform smells like alcohol. Your brother-in-law will kill me, if he finds out that I went drinking in this.

I inhale, stretching my thorax shocked at having a core so wet and a tingling in my feet as it felt a emotion of past and too foreign had lept over me all over again.

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