33. Adjustments

481 55 58

Sabina POV

I watched him turn his back to me, and walk to the door, as I stood under the gazebo with blanket over me, turning away.

"Avi..." I whispered, but it was loud enough for him. He turned to walk by me, as I felt his presence on my back.

"Sabina?" he says as I wipe my tears and turn to look at him.

"Will you be happy?" I ask as another loud bang of thunder echoed around us.

"I am happy, Sabina. All my life I've lived alone. I get a life partner, parents, an entire family and why would I not be happy?" he asks, as more tears stream down my cheek. He wipes them with his good hand, and hugs me tightly.

"What if you resent me? You've always wanted solitude and a life away from commitments."

"I've wanted a life without marriage. I've never wanted anyone to stay with me because of a vow or a piece of paper. I've seen what that kind of bond does to you and people around you. I want a bond where people in my life decide to choose me every day and they are free to leave when they fail to choose me." He says as I look him in the eyes.

"What if you fail to choose me, someday?" I ask as he shakes his head.

"Not in this life. You've made me want to live this life. Actually live it. Not run on the high I get from orgasms and success in my stream. The life where I can have a day of playing and chatting with Danish and still enjoy every moment of it."

"If I fail to choose you..."

"I'll leave you, and you'll never be bothered by me again." he says as a shooting pain stabs in my chest.

"And what about the kids?"

"I hope, it never comes to that. But, if it does. We'll co-parent. Separated parents are better than abusive, unhappy parents."

I nod, trying to fathom his words.

"You don't own me, or have any right on..." I was going to say as he puts his finger on my lips.

"We will be in a relationship. An equal relationship. A loyal one, but not where we snuff out the flame of the other. I will never force you into something, you don't want but you can't do that either. We are a team, but we don't own each other. Our individualities will remain."

"You are okay leaving you dream house?" I ask, fearing the response.

"Why would I want a house, when I'm getting a home?" he says as something in me shifts.

"If dad and mom don't agree to the idea of adopting more kids?"

"I already asked. 6 is the limit." He says as my eyes widen.

"We have two and so 4 more?" I say thinking how would that work out.

"Two we have and 6 more. Total 8." He says as my mouth falls open.

"But..." I say as he shakes his head.

"It'll be a long time. Getting govt. approval is hard for an unmarried couple. Then, We can try to adopt one right now and the two can grow up together." He says placing a hand on my belly. "Another pair maybe when Danish is a grown up and able to take care of himself. But before his studies enter crucial stage. Then another pair after Danish goes off to college. Then we'll be kind of old, so raising newborns might be hard. We'll take in a bit older ones and raise them good, give them proper education. Ravdeep said he has some land for me. That'll earn good and this means best colleges, even if they don't get a scholarship..." he was rambling on and on as I place a hand on his mouth.

"I love you..." I say as he kisses the palm, removing it and kissing my forehead.

"I love you too." He says as I hug him tightly.

"Two of ours and 5 more..." I say looking up and he looks at the rain falling on the Mango tree near the boundary wall.

"I might convince you later." He says, as I laugh.

"You can't force me."

"I'll never force you." He says looking into my eyes, with a beautiful smile that could not get any bigger as I lean into his chest.

"I took permission from uncle-aunty. I'm shifting into your bedroom tonight." He says as I chuckle.

"That never stopped us from being together, did it?"

"Yes, for Sex but also no since I missed the cuddles, because I like holding you and watching you snore while you sleep."

"I don't snore." I say, knowing it was a lie as he rolls his eyes.

"Whatever makes you happy." He says as I laugh.


One week later I sat in the living room working on a design as I see Avinash from the dark mode of my laptop's screen trying to sneak up on me.

"Avinash, I have a kid. I know this trick." I say as he pouts, sitting next to me.

"So, I should just act scared and pee my pants, next time?" I say, as he gives me a side eye.

"That'll be over-acting. Just a slight 'Aaahhh' would do." He says looking into my screen.

"What is this?" he asks, as I shrug.

"It's called AutoCAD. It's a software that helps me design houses with accurate measurement." I say, as if it was Danish.

"No, what is that?" he says pointing a small spot in the corner of the screen.

"This is where the door to the bathroom will go." I say as he nods.

"But there's no wall this side."

"Because the client wants glass wall on the side of the shower and bathtub overlooking the bed. I still have to fill the..." I was saying as his thinking face shifts to a very serious one.

"Can we have that?" he asks as I open my mouth but nothing comes out.

"We can, because there will be a curtain if I want my privacy. But we'll have some explaining to do... For Danish and mom-dad."

"What's wrong?" What are you explaining?" I hear Naina come in as Avinash goes to take the bag from her hand, with his one good hand.

"Nothing aunty. I was suggesting some renovation to Sabina's bedroom. If you allow that is. The closet space is..." he was saying as mom shook her head.

"It's your house, too. Do whatever you like." She says as my mouth falls open. If I had said this, she would have asked like a hundred questions.
"When are you going to the doctor? Wasn't your plaster supposed to come off today?" she says sitting on the couch as Avinash hands her a glass of water.

Nevermind. I get it. He's the favorite now and there's nothing I can do about it.

"I'm waiting for Shyam bhai. He'll take me." He was saying as Shyam walks in with Gina. The couple had gone shopping today.

"He's here." Avinash says, as my mother gets up.

"I'll come with you. You might need..."

"I'm fine aunty. You must be tired after the function. Take rest. I'll be back in a jiff and then tell me about the latest gossip about Mrs. Sethi ." He says, kissing mom on the cheek and walking out.

My mother smiled as I watched the interaction with my flared nostrils, and scrunched brows.

He kissed my mother? In two weeks, the guy has the audacity to kiss my mother?

I'm sure I'm not the favorite child anymore. And he kinda deserves this, since he's free at home with mom. We'll see when he joins work and has no time for her.

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