7. Waiting for the Sunrise

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Sabina POV

I held my boots in my hand, tiptoeing like a teenager down the stairs and into the lobby. My heart hammered against my chest as my stomach turned and twisted. I notice the kitchen light on, and hide behind the adjacent wall as I hear Gina fill a glass of water and leave towards her room. I then walk out, being very aware where everything was kept in the lobby, dim lit by the moonlight pouring in from the windows.

I unlock the door and push it open, and then walk out running out of the garden to the main gate. I take out the key unlocking the main gate and open it, walking out before locking it from outside. I turn to walk two steps towards the turn as a loud Harley stops right infront of me.

"Hey..." he says taking off his helmet as I notice his pretty boyish smile under the streetlight.

"Hi..." I say as he offers me the other helmet and I accept it sitting behind him.

"Hold tight." He says as I put my hands on both his shoulders.

"Yeah, that ain't helping." He says starting the bike and immediately putting it in a higher gear with a high acceleration as I was about to fall backwards but he took my hand from his shoulder, sliding it down to his torso.

"Cheap trick." I murmur as he chuckles.

"You smell nice." He says as I press my body closer to him, my boobs pressing on his back as he inhaled harder.

"Fuck, Sabina... You're killing me, Queen." He says as I frown.

"Queen? You've called me that twice."

"You just... you are a queen." He says and shrugs driving down the highway and beside the canal taking a small turn. I settled both my arms around him, hands resting on his torso, leaning into him, as I sniffed the leathery musk aroma. He felt comfortable as he took turns down some very unfamiliar roads.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"A quick stroll in the fields." He says as I laugh.

"What are we? 16..."

"There's no age limit to fun." He says taking another turn down the road as I feel the cold air hit my eyes, as I slide the glass cover from the helmet down.

"Are you cold? I have this leather jacket. I'm wearing a sweater underneath." He says as I shake my head and smile at him, as he catches my eyes through the side mirror as we passed under a street light.

"I'm fine." I say as he nods.

"So, how was sneaking out?" He asks.

"Still buzzing with a mild adrenaline." I say as he laughs.

"You're such a good girl."

"Don't say it like it's an insult." I say as he shakes his head.

"I won't." he says parking the bike on the side of the road.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"We're here."

"We're in the middle of nowhere." I say getting down the bike and taking off the helmet as he follows, taking my helmet and putting it on the side of the bike handle as he takes off a bag, that I hadn't notice was there.

"What's in there?" I ask as he hands it to me.

"A bottle of wine, some strawberries, whipped cream and a blanket."

"A picnic?"

"Yes, my Queen a picnic." He says holding out his hand and I smile putting mine over his. He takes out a torch from his jacket's pocket and guides the way.

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