The Train: Harry's Worried He's Going to Get Head Lice

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The past month had flown by. Harry didn't know what the Malfoy's had told his Aunt but the Dursley's had barely spoken a word to him. It was peaceful. No one had called him a freak or shoved him in his cupboard! The best part was Draco's letters! They had written back and forth everyday. They had to resort to sending letters through Dobby because Draco's hawk had collapsed the third day in! Harry had felt awful for Achilles. The poor thing had looked terrible the last time he had seen him. Harry double checked that he had stuffed everything in his satchel. The satchel was a gift from Draco, a soft yellow color with a dragon shaped clasp. He couldn't believe they were finally going to Hogwarts! He was nervous about getting sorted but Draco would be there.
"Master Harry, Dobby is ready to take you to the station!" They had decided it would be easier for Dobby to apparate Harry to the platform to avoid the crowds.
"Hi Dobby! Thank you for taking me to the Malfoy's!" Harry grinned widely at Dobby.
Dobby gave a squeal as he threw his arms around Harry.
"Dobby is happy to help! He has to keep his ship alive!" Harry didn't know how to respond to that so he just patted Dobby on the back. With one last look around his room, they disapparated.
Harry landed hard, falling forward. Before he could hit the ground, arms caught him and lifted him up.
"Merlin Harry! Once we get to Hogwarts, I'm having Uncle Sev start you on a nutrition potion! You're practically bones!"
"Hi Draco! I missed you!" He watched as Draco's ears turned red before he said "I missed you too Harry"
"Draco, I think you can put Harry down. Harry darling, how are you? Those muggles kept their manners didn't they?" Mrs. Malfoy was smiling brightly at him. Both of Draco's parents had written him letters along with sending snacks and books. Mr. Malfoy had Dobby bring him cookies twice a week while Mrs. Malfoy sent him books. He thought it was very kind of them but he couldn't seem to shake his nervousness around them.
"I'm doing well ma'am. My relatives barely spoke to me so thank you for that and for the presents. I really appreciate it"
"You're welcome Harry. You are a special part of our family and we're happy to help in any way we can" Mr. Malfoy seemed to be hinting at something but Harry had no clue what he was talking about.


Draco felt rejuvenated. Leaving Harry behind had been the hardest thing he had ever done. Counting down the days until they would be reunited had felt like torture. Catching Harry in his arms as Dobby dropped him off had worked out perfectly! He had an excuse to hold his love and impress Harry with his quick reflexes. He knew Harry was nervous around his parents and then his father had to go and put his foot in his mouth! Harry wouldn't appreciate him murdering his relatives and if anyone was going was going to do it, it would be Draco! He glared at his Father as he pulled Harry towards the train. They quickly found an empty cabin. Like Harry, Draco had all of his things in a satchel. It was easier than lugging a trunk around. He watched as parents hugged their children goodbye and he turned to his parents. This would be the first time they would be separated and he was feeling anxious. It helped that his godfather would be at Hogwarts but it wasn't the same.
"Now Draco, don't get in trouble and make sure you do well in class. Take care of Harry and have fun" his Mother enveloped him in a hug as he watched his Father do the same to Harry.
"No matter what happens son, I will always be proud of you" his Father seemed to be wiping his eyes as he let go.
"Make sure you write to us after dinner! Eat all of your vegetables and listen to the teachers!"
"Yes, Mother. We will!"
"I'm speaking to you Draco! I know Harry will be on his best behavior!" Rolling his eyes, Draco and Harry got back in their room and waved at his parents through the window until they were out of sight. Looking at Harry, he said "Scared, Potter?"
"In your dreams, Malfoy!"
He should have known Greg and Vince would find him. Greg had some weird sixth sense and had always won hide and seek when they were younger.
"Draco! We've been looking everywh-" he suddenly stopped when he spotted Harry causing Vince to run into him.
"This is my betrothed, Harry Potter. Harry, this is Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. We've been friends since we were babies."
"No WAY! You convinced him to marry you?" Vince suddenly shouted.
"Potter, he isn't keeping you against your will is he? Blink twice if you're being held hostage" Greg added.
"Oi! What are you talking about?" Giving them both a smug smile, he announced "Harry likes me!"
Greg and Vince shared a look before they collapsed on the opposite couch.
"He's going to be insufferable ain't he?"
"I think you're right, Greg."
They looked at Harry before Greg said "you know he used to have the house elves put tiny ties on the peacocks and taught them to walk in a straight line on command?"
"For your information Greg, Harry likes the peacocks! We think they'll make an excellent addition to our wedding."
"You're a nutter, Draco." Vince added. Draco couldn't believe his friends were being like this! He had waited all summer to rub his wonderful news in their faces and they were being prats!
Harry hunched over as he burst into peals of laughter. He was gasping because he was laughing so hard.
"Harry! You're taking their side? The betrayal!"
Harry finally managed to say through his giggles "but Draco, they're so funny!"
"Thank you Harry!" Greg and Vince spoke in unison causing Harry to start laughing again. Draco sighed. It was going to be a long year.

Fanboy Draco Malfoy Convinces Harry Potter to Marry Him!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat