Ginny and Neville's Gran-Severus Should've Thrown Himself Down Those Stairs

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Ginny Weasley didn't understand it! They had gotten invited to the Malfoy Ball because her older brothers were friends with Harry Potter. They kept saying that Harry and Malfoy were together which was insane because she was going to marry Harry! They would get married and have a lot of babies! When she spotted Harry coming down the stairs, her heart had fluttered in her chest. He looked so handsome! His eyes were a beautiful green color that stood out even from a distance. Then Malfoy had picked him up and they started dancing together. She should be dancing with him, not some Dark wizard! She stomped to the bathroom and went inside. Getting out of the stall, she noticed three girls waiting for her. One was that Hermione Granger the twins kept talking about and she didn't recognize the other two.
"Hi Ginny! This is Daphne and Pansy. We couldn't help but notice you glaring at Harry. Do you have a problem with him?" Hermione asked , her voice casual. She watched as Daphne cracked her knuckles.
"Of course I don't have a problem with him! I have a problem with Malfoy! I'm going to marry Harry Potter!" She cried out. Pansy looked at her before she burst into laughter.
"Oh Merlin, there's another one!" She managed to gasp out. Ginny ignored her and looked at the other two girls.
"I see," Hermione said "I'm afraid you're too late. Harry has already made promises to Draco. He can't take them back." Ginny couldn't believe it! She knew she should've tried harder to convince her parents she should go to Hogwarts a year earlier! Her dreams of marrying Harry Potter went up in smoke. She couldn't marry someone who was already taken! Wiping her eyes, she said "I didn't know he had made his intentions to Malfoy." Hermione gave her a warm smile before taking her hand. "That's okay, Ginny! You know now and who needs boys anyways? You can have fun with us!"
"That's true but if Malfoy ever messes up, I call dibs on Harry Potter!" She said boldly. Pansy who had just caught her breath started laughing all over again.


Neville was dancing with Susan Bones. He had known her since they were younger. Most pureblood parents had their children socialize with each other so Neville knew most of the pureblood children in attendance. He saw his Gran speaking with Harry's godfather and winced. He loved his Gran but he didn't particularly like her. She had been old when his parents were tortured into insanity and he knew she only raised him because it was the right thing to do. Oh he knew she loved him but she should've been done raising children at her age. Instead she had to take care of her grandson who could barely do magic. He couldn't count the times he had gotten injured because a well meaning family member had tried to activate his accidental magic. He couldn't help but think at times that his parents wouldn't have allowed that to happen. Ending the dance with Susan, he went to save Lord Black from his Gran.
"Neville! There you are!" Harry always had this spark whenever he was with Draco and it seemed more noticeable tonight. He was literally shining with happiness and Neville was happy for his friend. They had bonded over their rotten childhoods and joked about who had it worse.
"Hi Harry! Hi Draco! You both look nice!"
"Thank you Longbottom! I appreciate you coming. I'm assuming Herm told you about the next meeting?" Draco was asking him.
"Yes! I can't wait to come!" It was his second meeting and Neville had loved every minute of the first. He never knew Draco was so weird! He had pulled out a binder with an extension charm on it and it was covered in writing that said "Draco Potter" and "Harry Malfoy." Neville had almost wet his pants the first time he flipped through it. What a nerd! But Neville was just as nerdy so it seemed he had finally found his people. The sound of someone clearing their throat interrupted their conversation.
"Neville, are you going to introduce me?" His gran asked. Neville internally sighed before saying "Heir Potter. Heir Malfoy. This is my grandmother, Dowager Longbottom. Grandmother, this is Heir Potter and Heir Malfoy." Gran looked at them over her nose and said "hello children" Draco gave her a proper greeting but Harry just waved. His Gran looked like she was about to say something but Lord Black intervened.
"Augusta, have I ever told you about the time-" his voice faded as he led her to one of the tables. Harry looked at him and said "sorry Neville, I was afraid if I opened my mouth I was going to insult her." He gave Harry a small grin and said "I wish you would've!" Draco looked between the two of them before saying "oh we don't like Dowager Longbottom. I will make sure to remember that."
"There you guys are!" Herm appeared at their side.
"Come dance with me, Hermione!" Harry said before he dragged her to the dance floor.
"Longbottom, if you ever need someone to smother your grandmother, I would be happy to loan you Dobby." Draco showed he cared in odd ways but Neville was grateful. People had always ignored his Gran's treatment of him but now he had friends who stood by his side.
"Thanks Draco. Did I tell you about the plant I grew specifically for the wedding? You're going to love it!" As they talked, Neville couldn't help but think it was nice to have friends.


Severus couldn't believe Lucius had convinced him to come to the Malfoy Annual Ball. He had pretended to be sick the year before and the year before that he had purposely poisoned himself. Just enough that he would need medical attention and be put on bed rest for a day or two. Lucius had sent his feral house elf to him and made Dobby watch him all day! He had no time to feign a sickness so here he was, lurking in one of the corners. He noticed Black coming his way and wished he had something stronger than champagne.
"Er hello Snape. You're looking uh like yourself." The halfwit mumbled out.
"What a wonderful observation, Black." He said.
"Ah yes, thank you. Um, how is Hogwarts?" He saw Black flinch as soon as he said the words. He knew they were both reminded of their own Hogwarts years.
"For Merlin's sake, what do you want?" He asked. Why was this man bothering him? All Severus wanted to do was go home and maybe flip through the new potions journal but nooo.
"I want to apologize!" Black said.
"You could've written me a letter. That would have sufficed" Severus drawled.
"Sure and you would've burnt it the second you realized it was from me!" Black was right. He wouldn't have given him the time of day.
"Rather Slytherin of you to talk to me when you know I can't get away"
"Thank you, I am capable of using my brain when I need to." Black joked back.
"My mind healer is having me evaluate my life and helping me overcome my issues," he said with distaste "so I would like to apologize for our youth. I was unnecessarily cruel to you so I'm sorry." Severus looked out the window and waited.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm waiting for pigs to fly!" Black looked confused so he said "it's a muggle phrase"
"Oh." They both stood there awkwardly before Harry came up to them. He was wearing the glasses chain that Potter used to wear. Severus waited for the anger to rear its head whenever he thought of Potter Sr. but all he could think of was that Harry looked rather adorable in them. Merlin, he was becoming soft. He couldn't remember the last time he even made a student cry!
"Hi Mr. Snape. Draco didn't think you'd come. He said you poisoned yourself last year!" Harry announced.
"Be quiet, brat! And it was two years ago." He hissed at him but Harry just laughed.
"Hi Sirius. Thank you for taking Dowager Longbottom away. I don't like her."
"She isn't kind to Neville." Harry continued.
"So I've noticed, pup. I was thinking of seeing if Neville wanted to come over this summer." Black was saying. Severus was surprised the overgrown dog could notice anything past his nose but well, maybe Black had grown up a little bit.


The Ball ended and Narcissa said her goodbyes to all of the guests. Her son had shined like a star all night, his hand laced with Harry's. They had been surrounded by all of their friends and she was so happy for her dragon. She had always worried about him because of his single minded devotion to Harry. She didn't know what would have happened if Harry had rejected his offer of friendship. He probably would've spent all seven years of Hogwarts doing anything to get his attention. But it had worked out in the end and she had gained another son. As she was brushing her hair out, her husband came up behind her.
"What are you thinking about, my love?"
"How incredibly lucky we are." She responded. Lucius gave a sound of agreement. They were lucky. Andromeda and her family were coming over later this week and they were going to bake together. It didn't matter that they would probably burn the manor down, the Black sisters were together again and it was all thanks to their children. Perhaps this year she would see if Andy would like to join her in her birthday tradition.

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