Through Daddy's Eyes Pt1

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Let's take a look back at how L&M met, but through Marbell's eyes :)

enjoy xoxo


Marbell stuck his house key into the secured lock and turned it, listening as the knob clicked and pushed his weight lightly against the surface. It came open and he stepped inside. The entirety of the living room was drenched in darkness, save for the minimal light offered by the digital numbers on the cable box beneath the large television. After he shut the front door behind him and locked up once again, he shimmied the knob for extra precaution before adjusting the handle of his briefcase in his grasp. Just an hour ago he'd touched back down from a trip to Milan. It was a city most frequented due to his status in the business he'd taken on in place of his father. Running the acclaimed and well-known modeling agency Knighting Bell surely came with its benefits, but exhaustion was definitely a downside to the role he'd gladly taken to ensure the pride of his father. Taking this role; however, alongside the responsibilities of a high school algebra teacher was probably a bad idea as well. Stepping away from the teaching gig, though, wasn't something Marbell wanted to do at the moment.

He'd gotten his PhD in mathematics specifically to pursue teaching, and he absolutely loved showing up to the urban school he worked at every weekday. It was the weekend catching up as CEO that eventually drained him completely. And, given it was Sunday night, he only had a few hours to take a shower and get whatever rest he could before his alarm for 5:30am demanded he start the day anew.

After venturing into the dining area of his thankfully empty home, he dropped his briefcase on the dining table just outside of the kitchen and went for the fridge. He'd unbuttoned his shirt partly on the private drive home and couldn't wait to officially throw every piece of clothing he was wearing off. From the fridge, he grabbed out a plastic water bottle before also snagging a fruity strawberry lemonade flavored wine cooler. As he downed the water bottle without coming up for air, he tossed the plastic into the sink and carried the wine cooler up to the second floor of the grand house. It wasn't a place where he lived alone, but he was glad to be home alone the majority of the time. Let's just say he had a wife halfway across the world at the moment that he'd rather remain across the world indefinitely.

She knew why.

Not quite caring to maintain the spotlessness of his home, Marbell unbuttoned the remainder of his long-sleeve and let it fall from his body, all the while downing his strawberry lemonade wine cooler as well until it was empty. When it was empty as well, he dropped the durable bottle at the base of the stairs and unhitched his trousers next, stepping out of his polished dress shoes before his trousers and socks followed. He left a trail of his clothing in his wake until he reached the top of the steps. With nothing more than his black-rimmed glasses, he dragged a hand back into his short styled brunette hair and let out a long sigh.

Naked, he entered his main bedroom and the personal bathroom after. Turning on the light, he stepped before the mirror above the two sinks and met the gaze of his reflection. There was a slight sign of dark circles under his eyes, the glare of his glasses obscuring the light browns of his irises, but there was an obvious exhaustion looking back at himself. He didn't quite want to admit that he was tired as hell, but Marbell would surely be fooling himself if he said he wasn't. Who wouldn't be? Just this past weekend, he'd only gotten roughly four hours of sleep since Friday, that even then, those four hours had only come during his flight to and from Milan.

From his gaze, Marbell let his eyes stray down to the canvas of his bare chest, eye sweeping over the large blemish covering a large portion of his upper chest and lower abdomen. Across his frame was a terrible and awfully distressing burn scar. He hated the permanent marking but was at least glad he rarely ever laid eyes on it. If he wasn't standing in front of a mirror, it was almost like the feature didn't exist.

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