The Gig Pt5

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Waking up the next morning, London settled his tired eyes onto the man before him, this brilliant, gentle, and devoted man who'd taken his hand in marriage, raised a family with, and whose entire existence made his world a brighter place. Admiring the graciousness of Marbell's sleeping face, London never failed to take notice to every detail. The curl of the older man's lashes was beautiful, his lips delicate and a soft tone of pink, top fringe drooping as it hung curly in his forehead, and while London could lay in bed all day pointing out every perfection on his husband, he disturbed the man when he sat up and kissed the side of Marbell's face.

A part of him still felt awful for screaming at his husband the night before, but he was just happy that was far behind them at the moment, and was glad he'd been able to hear what it was that made Marbell so anxious all the time. While his sexuality wasn't something he could simply change overnight, being able to assert, in a way, that he loved Marbell, would only ever love Marbell in a romantic way, he'd been something he was proud to say. He couldn't help being bisexual, just as much as Marbell couldn't help being gay, or Henry being demisexual, or Daniel being pansexual. But, if the love of his life needed a pinch of encouragement, a constant reminder, London didn't mind handing that out. A part of him lived to show Marbell how much he was worth, so offering not-so-subtle kisses, uttering cheesy love confessions, then that was what London would do for the rest of his life.

"Good morning, my king," the tattooed man said against Marbell's cheek., and as usual, he received a tired groan in response.

London then went ahead and checked the time on his phone. Being 8:00am, he'd have to be at the location for the photoshoot in two hours. When he sat up to get out of bed, he threw back the covers over himself, but stopped for a second when Marbell took his hand. He looked down at the sleepy man beside him, and though his husband's eyes were still closed, there was a half-smile on his face.

Amused, London kissed Marbell's puckered lips with a small laugh and then went into the bathroom. He took a shower to wash off the cum that'd touched upon his body the night before, and when he was done, he dried off and brushed his teeth before stepping back into the bedroom without a towel to wrap around his waist.

Marbell was sitting up in bed now, black rimmed glasses adorned his face now so he could see, and he was going through files that'd come into his email the previous day. As London pulled on a pair of boxers, he looked towards the bed when he heard a sharp impressed whistle. "What are you looking at?" he asked his husband, and Marbell bit his lip almost cheekily before looking up as well, having been staring down at his tablet as if he were looking at something that he couldn't draw his attention away from. "Hey, I'm curious," London added, "What is it?"

"That Face mag set to release in March was just completed," Marbell said, turning the bright screen so the tattooed man could see. "The one you were on the cover of, and they sent me what it'll look like once it hits the shelves."


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