Kissed by...Pt2

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Henry hadn't gotten a lick of sleep the night before. His head throbbed, eyes grew heavier each time he blinked, and his thoughts were all over the place. If there was anything he wanted to do right now, it would be to curl in on himself and completely disappear. How the hell was he supposed to face Daniel today after what happened last night? Kissing his best friend, and it wasn't just a single one, there were three, there was tongue, and a frustrating stimulation to it all that he couldn't ignore, couldn't push under the rug. A part of him wanted to call it a "spur of the moment" type of thing, but that would classify everything as an impulse, and what kind of impulse encouraged a straight guy to kiss another man?

Shit, there it was, that label: straight.

"I am straight, aren't I?" Henry had asked himself in the early hours of the morning. There was no way he could be gay, could he? All his life, he never really put much thought into dating, or girls for that matter. Then again, there was never any debate over if he found men attractive, or had ever found himself attracted to one. When he was younger, he never experienced that carnal attraction most teenagers were thought to have for other people they found alluring in some way. So could he really call himself straight if his attraction towards men or women was almost like it was...nonexistent during his childhood. But...last night...that kiss had driven something into him, and it was on the verge of hurling him into total confusion. Last night, when Daniel had leaned up towards him to have their lips meet for the first time, indistinctly able to taste them, a wall within Henry's psyche collapsed. And he'd needed more.

Was that it?

A need?

Feeling as though the walls of his room were pushing in around him, Henry shook his head, sitting up out of bed with his feet on the floor. That wasn't it? Being that a need was primary, what he'd felt when their lips met, it couldn't have been a sensation as basic as a simple need. This overwhelming feeling, it was something greedy, selfish in a manner when he'd hankered after another taste, to feel the other boy's mouth against his, tongues slipping past one another. This covetous shadow that hovered over him had compelled a more gluttonous want into his mind.

Last night, Henry wanted to kiss Daniel in that moment, as if his mind and body finally realized what it'd been missing, and what had him shook even now was that he wanted to do it again. Every time he closed his eyes, the derisive vision of his hands on Daniel ate at him. Every time it was too quiet, he could hear the soft, erotic moan that'd been provoked by his own touch. To block it out, to try the hardest he could to ignore it, he didn't sleep, had music and his television on the distract him, played video games for hours until the sun rose. But, still, nothing he did was powerful enough to wipe away what he'd done.

Catching the time on his cellphone, Henry cursed when it read 9:20am. His first class wasn't for another hour and a half, but as he sat here, he wasn't sure if he could drive over to Daniel's and face him. Though the guy had been drunk, there had to be some sort of rationality in his fuzzy mind. Meaning, it was likely he remembered what'd gone on between them, so playing it off and acting like everything was the same wouldn't work out. Rising from his bed, Henry took a shower and threw on a pair of dark Levis and black t-shirt, scuffed Chucks and a beanie to hold down his hair after it was dry.

When he stepped out, he spotted Ozzy just coming out of the master bedroom, dressed still in his light gray onesie pajamas with a cottontail, bleach blond hair like a crazy yellow tumbleweed atop his head. Before the little boy could get too close to the stairs, London hurried from the bedroom behind him and picked him up. "I told you to wait for me, you little bug," London jested. "Papa doesn't want you to get hurt on the stairs."

Ozzy giggled in his father's arms when playful fingers began to tickle at his ribcage, "No, Papa!" he laughed hysterically. "No, tickles!"

"Alright," London stopped, tossing the little boy onto his shoulder. When the tattooed man spotted Henry in the doorframe down the hall, he wrinkled his brow, and said, "Did you ever go to sleep? You look like crap."

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