A Night We Don't Remember

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"We should get drunk together," London seemed to throw out on the table. He and Marbell had been married for only a week, and since Joyce was at a sleep over with Mrs. Campbell's granddaughter, and Henry was staying the night with his friend Daniel, he and Marbell would have the entire house to themselves on this Saturday night. At first, they were both just going to have a little movie night, order some take out, and then call it a night. But as they sat lounged with one another watching 'Love Actually', the idea suddenly entered London's mind.

"Where did that come from?" Marbell chuckled a little, adjusting his position as he was lain back against his new husband.

Sitting up a little, London looked down on Marbell when the older man went from laying against his chest to on his back upon the sofa. "Come on, it'll be fun – maybe. We could take a couple shots until we're feeling it and just...see where it goes from there."

"Do we even own a bottle of vodka?"

"I bought some whiskey not that long ago. Haven't opened it, though. I could mix us up some drinks." London raised a brow, "What do you say? Let's get drunk!"

Marbell seemed a little unsure about the idea, but – it wasn't like he had work the next day. This Sunday he would be away from his office, able to spend as much time with his husband as he wanted. "Fine, let's do this."

Excited to hear the answer, London jumped up from the sofa. He was wearing just plain black pajama bottoms, his floppy undercut hair pushed back out of his face, and he hurried into the kitchen. Marbell went ahead and paused the movie and made his way to the kitchen as well. When he stepped onto the white tile and neared the wooden island in the center, he leaned forward against it and watched London grab a bottle from the freezer. It was an unopened, chilled bottle of brown whiskey, and from the fridge he grabbed out to cans of lemon lime soda.

"Just so you know," Marbell said, watching London pour the drinks into glass cups, "If we wake up in our own vomit, it's all your fault and you're cleaning all of it."

London let out a small laugh, measuring where he should cut the soda off before pouring the toxin. "Let's just hope that doesn't happen." When he finished, he set the drinks aside and slapped Marbell's hand away when he tried to reach for it. "Wait, we'll take a couple shots first."

"Jesus, London, you're going to really mess us up."

"That's my goal for tonight."

After grabbing two shot glasses from a cabinet, London filled them both and slid one over to his husband. He picked up his own then, and clinked it against Marbell's. "To horrible ideas, yeah?

"Well," Marbell threw the shot back and had some trouble swallowing the burn down, "At least you know," he hissed.

Once London threw his first back, they took one more and got started on the actual drinks. Already, after two heavy shots and half a mixer, Marbell could feel he was losing just a little bit of himself, but he could still comprehend his thoughts and actions. London, on the other, seemed pretty fine right now. When they'd finished the first mixers, another was fixed for them and they started on those in the living room. 'Love Actually' was nearly finished at this point, and they'd talked through most of it, laughing just a bit harder than they'd been before, but it was after two more shots of straight whiskey that seemed to do the newlyweds in for the night.

As the credits for the movie ran up the screen of the television, London sat forward on the sofa and glanced over at Marbell beside him, and for some reason, his dark brown eyes began to water. While his husband was busy trying to remember how to work the television remote, the sudden admiration that entered London seemed to hit him head-on with an overwhelming wave of emotion. "What the fuck," he cupped his face, tears streaming down his face, and he couldn't seem to get a grip of himself.

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