Catastrophe Pt5

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It was the morning after Henry was expelled from Northwest University. London had woken up pretty earlier, and while Marbell was already off to work, Joyce and Benjamin with him so he could take them to school, London got dressed for the day as well. Anyone who knew London personally was aware that he didn't connect well with computers. The only thing he usually did on the internet was Marbell's taxes, and order things from online stores when no stores had them in stock. Aside from that, London was a complete stranger to most technology, and that was something about him that hasn't changed at all. But, last night he'd gotten an idea, staying up most of the night after googling one thing: How to help someone who doesn't want the help.

For hours, London read through numerous forums and health websites, but most things always turned back to "be there for them" and London was. He was there for Henry, but how could you help someone who wouldn't accept it? And it was then when London got an idea of his own.

There's that old expression that goes, "If you want something done, you have to do it yourself," and since he knew Henry wasn't going to get up off his ass to do anything about the problem at hand, London was going to do it all by himself, whether Henry liked it or not. He wasn't going to accept the fact that some lowlife was trying to ruin his brother's life, so it was about that time to make things right again.

Henry, Ozzy, and the twins were still asleep, but London woke up his brother for a second to tell him, "I'll be back a little later, take care of Oz and the girls for me, okay?" When Henry groaned an 'okay', London kissed his hair and left the room, leaving the door open to the hallway as well.

Today London was dressed a little casually in dark blue jeans, and a black button down with white doves imprinted all over it. His collar was creased, and he even had on a pair of black dress shoes to accommodate with the outfit. With the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and his fringe draped off to the side of his face, there was still always that sexy edge that followed London no matter how nice he dressed.

Since Marbell took the Suburban this morning, London grabbed the keys to his husband's matte black Audi and drove off. With it being nine o'clock in the morning, traffic was still a little congested here and there, but he made it to Northwest University not long after. Once he was parked in the guest lot in front of the Administration building, London made his way onto campus. He remembered living here when he was younger, but also didn't dwell too much on the past. He came here with one thing in mind, and that was to defend his little brother with every breath in his body, especially since Henry wasn't going to do it himself.

Not too familiar with the large campus anymore, however, London just went for the 'Welcome Center' and headed inside. The counters at the end of the blue themed, well-ordered building were empty since majority of students on campus were in class, and London approached a woman who offered him a kind smile. "Hello, sir," she said, "How can I help you?"

"It'd like to speak with your Dean."

By the slight authoritative hint in London's tone, the smile on the woman's face vanished, "Um, of course, can I get your name, please? I can set you up for an appointment if you like."

"No, I want to talk to him or her right now. It's an emergency. You can tell them London Matthews is here to see them."

"Oh, o–okay, then," the woman fumbled for the phone beside her, her nearby co-workers looking on in confusion. She dialed a short number, and then said, "Hello, Ms. Connolly, I have a guest that insists they must speak with you if you're not busy."

"No," London interrupted her, "Even if she is busy, I want to see her now."

After a moment, the woman hung up the phone, "Ms. Connolly will be here shortly, she's on her way, sir. If you'd like, you can take a seat in our waiting area."

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