A Day in the Life of -- London Matthews Pt1

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London couldn't remember the last time he'd suffered a headache so utterly agonizing. He'd woken up feeling like complete shit, and not only did he have a killer headache, but his nose felt cold and runny, his throat was scratchy, and he could hardly keep his eyes open. Where the hell had this sudden ailment come from? Yesterday, he didn't feel like this even the slightest, but now that Marbell had his day off, the twins and Benjamin were home from school, and they'd planned to have a nice family day away from the house – now his body wanted to give him such a hard time?

When London sat up in bed, he glanced at the time on the clock beside it.


He needed to get up and make breakfast for everyone. When his nose began to tingle, London could feel a heavy sneeze coming on, and he quickly blocked his nose with the crook of his arm. "Ah-choo!" he let out, and his sleeping husband jolted awake. "Sorry," London apologized after feeling Marbell flinch beside him, "I don't think I feel too good today."

"You don't think?" Marbell mumbled. He sat up in bed as well and reached for his glasses. When they were on his face so he could see better, he looked toward London and placed the back of his hand to the man's forehead. "Jeez," he said, "You're on fire and you really don't look too great."

London shimmied out of bed and stood. He felt sluggish as ever. "I'll be fine," he said heading for the bathroom. Dragging his feet across the floor, he turned on the bright lights and squinted from them. He went ahead and washed his face and brushed his teeth. Once he got a good look at his appearance, London could agree that he did look like total crap. There were dark bags under his eyes, his eyes looked a bit red from his fatigue, and he looked like he could collapse at any moment.

"Baby," Marbell entered the bathroom as well, taking hold of his husband's arm, "Come lay back down. Maybe you should take it easy today and relax. That's an order."

Without complaining, London slothfully followed his husband back into the bedroom and laid down. Marbell covered the tattooed man and watched his eyes shut. "Should I get you some medicine?"

London nodded and turned onto his side. When Marbell made to retrieve some medicine from the cabinet in the bathroom, he stopped for a moment when he felt a small tug at the back of his pajama bottoms. "Yeah?"

"I feel bad..." London admitted, his hand dropping from where he'd pulled Marbell's pants.

"I can see that," the older man smirked.

"No, I mean, you finally get to sit home without worrying about work, and here I am lazing around." London paused for a moment and sneezed yet again. "Besides, we were all supposed to have family time after I finished my errands."

Continuing into the bathroom with a smile on his face, Marbell grabbed a bottle of blue liquid. He didn't know anything about it, but apparently London had mentioned before it was a really good remedy in a bottle. "That's what you're worried about?" he said, pouring the right amount into a measuring cap. "I'm fine taking on your errands for you. What did you need to do today?"

London rolled onto his back and stared up at the man he'd married. "First the girls have a hair appointment at 10:30am, and then Ozzy needs new shoes since he's growing out of his other pairs. I was going to go ahead and get some for Ben and the girls, too. Ben needs supplies for a science project due in a couple days. He has a list in his backpack. I was going to take the Suburban to get inspected, but that can wait. I also promised Joyce I'd take her to the bookstore if she did good on her math exam; there's a collection she really wanted, so I was going to get it for her. And then we need groceries. I made a list."

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