Kissed by...Pt1

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Henry was sat at the desk in his bedroom finishing up the last of his school assignments. It was half passed midnight and everyone in the house was asleep, Benjamin snoring lightly on his bed since he hadn't been able to sleep on his own earlier in the night. With just one more calculus packet to complete before he could finally get some shuteye, he was interrupted when his cellphone vibrated loudly next to his laptop. Silencing it before the buzzing could wake up Benjamin, Henry checked the caller ID, and answered to Daniel, "Why are you calling me at nearly one in the morning?"

He'd spoken too soon.

In the background he could hear the loud bass of music through the receiver, laughing and chattering going on. It was all the sounds he needed to determine a party was going on, and for some odd reason Daniel was attending it. "Hey," Henry tried to keep his voice down when his nephew tossed on the bed, "Daniel, you there?"

"Dude!" the guy's voice boomed through the smartphone, "You are not going to believe how drunk I am, right now. It's head is, like...y'know, like...spinning and shit."

"Did you seriously just drunk dial me?" Henry shrugged, "Better me than your parents, I guess. But, Daniel, what the hell are you doing at a party? Is it a frat party at the university? You know you shouldn't even be there, because we have an exam tomorrow, and if you're shitfaced drunk now, you're sure as hell going to be extra hungover in the morning. Why are you there?"

"Man, you talk loud! That one dude – fuck what was his name? – Kyle, I think, stopped me when I was leaving the library. Asked if I wanted to get fucked up, and I was like, 'might as well'. I'm going to fail that exam anyways."

Henry sat back in his desk chair. He knew the guy had been stressing over the exam they had tomorrow, but to ruin his chances even further by acting out like this...this wasn't like Daniel. "You better tell your ride to take you home so you can sleep that shit off for the morning. You're not making me take this test alone."

"Uh," Daniel sounded a little unsure, "My ride is kinda gone, and obviously the buses stopped running a while ago."

"Idiot. Do you want me to come get you?"

"Aw, that'd be fucking sick!" Daniel said, "Dude, maybe we could get something to eat. I'm starving!"

"Does that mean you're high, too?"


Henry sighed, standing from the desk and closing his laptop. He'd make sure to pick up where he left off once he got back. "You really are an idiot. Go to the front of the Administration building and wait for me there. Don't go anywhere with anyone. Okay?"

It sounded like someone had grabbed his attention and was talking to Daniel in the background.

"Daniel," Henry huffed, "Are you listening to me?"


"You're so annoying. Go to the Administration building, now. I'll be there in about twenty minutes."

After hanging up the phone, Henry tucked it in his pocket and went for his bed. Cradling Benjamin in his arms, he carried the five-year-old to his bedroom down the hall and tucked him in. In knowing how bad London would most likely freak out if he woke up to find his brother missing, Henry walked to the master bedroom and knocked on the door. When there was no response, he opened the door and stepped inside. It was pitch black inside, but the light glowing from his room down the hall made a decent enough pathway to the large California king-sized bed.

Stepping around to London's side, he gently nudged his brother until the man groaned awake. He'd been sleeping up against Marbell's back, his face tucked into the mess of his husband's hair. Glancing tiredly up at Henry, London closed his eyes again, and said, "Shouldn't you be asleep already?"

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