A Night We'll Always Remember

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June 20th, 2015

I now pronounce you husband and husband...

Those words still echoed like musical tunes in London's ears, and no matter how many seconds, minutes, hours went by from the moment a simple wedding band was slipped onto his fingers, the vision of it all would forever remain in his memories forever and always. He and Marbell had gotten married at a stunning garden center where tons of summer season flowers were in bloom, the weather was on their side, and the effort that'd been put into it to make it as breathtaking as possible made it all even more perfect. At the end of it, they'd given so many thanks to the wedding coordinator and photographer for making their special day even more memorable.

Now...now that all the guests had gone, the party vibe diminished, and the night began to draw nearer...the newly wedded couple were finally about to head home where they would step into their future together as happily married men.

"Thank you for coming, father," Marbell said to Rolland Matthews. He was dressed in his three-piece dark tuxedo with an ironed white collared shirt, he still looked as sharp as he had when he put it on earlier in the night; his hair was also styled in place without a single strand of hair out of place. Even though this was his wedding day, and it seemed like an event every parent would want to attend for their child, it still meant the world to Marbell that Rolland had put him first. The man had an important place to be the next day, but he'd pushed it back just to be sure he could be there for his only son.

"Nothing was going to make me miss this day," Rolland clapped a hand on Marbell's shoulder, and gave him a rough fatherly jostle. He himself was dressed finely in a black suit with his dark brown, greying hair styled back, facial hair trimmed, looking much like a sexy silver fox ready to pose for a men's cologne advertisement. "I still don't know London as well as I'm sure you do since you married him, but just by what I've seen through our short time together, I can tell he is a good man who I can respect. I'm glad you've found someone special, and I hope he makes you as happy as your mother made me when she was here."

Almost getting choked up by his father's words, Marbell successfully kept his emotions down and stepped forward when Rolland opened his arms. "Thank you," he said, "With how things are going with London and I right now, I'm sure I'll be calling you sometime soon to tell you you're going to be a grandfather."

Rolland released his son and smiled, "I'll be looking forward to it."

Watching his father leave then, Marbell tucked his hands in the pockets of his trousers and turned around. Through the glass doors of the grand room he rented out for the wedding, he could see London on the inside catch Joyce when she ran into his open arms. She'd been running from Henry, and when the small girl found safety in her oldest brother's arms, she giggled happily and hugged her arms around his tattooed neck.

A lovely and joyous feeling wafted through his heart as he watched from outside the doors, so content and ecstatic and whatever other words he could use to describe his current mood, and it was the smile plastered across London's face that really did it for him. That's the love of my life, he thought to himself, That's the man I'm going to spend the rest of my life with.

When London made his way out after saying goodbye to the wedding coordinator, he and Henry and Joyce met Marbell on the roofed platform outside the building. For his wedding day, London was dressed in a sharp black with a white shirt underneath, the fringe of his undercut hair disheveled and swooped off to the side. Carrying his little sister at his side, he met Marbell's eyes, and said, "You ready to get out of here?"

"Yeah, let's go."

Unmistakably seeing the requited love staring back at him, London took his new husband's hand and kissed the back of it. With their fingers interlocked, they walked to the SUV they'd arrived in. After buckling Joyce into her car seat, London took the driver's seat and started the engine.

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