Through Daddy's Eyes Pt2

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This was the most ridiculous Marbell had felt in a good long while. Currently, he was standing in front of a mirror trying on a plain black Burberry long sleeve. He didn't think it was necessary for him to dress nicely for the occasion of meeting up with an escort, but there was a pinch of insecurity in him that felt like he'd be judged if he didn't look a certain way. Not that an escort should really care about what their clients looked like, right? If he was going to be paying $1500 to someone else to get his own rocks off, appearance shouldn't be an issue... right? Then again, still Marbell stood before this damn mirror making sure he looked presentable enough. After he was satisfied with the purchase, he also grabbed a pair of tan trousers and carried them to the counter, and once the bag was in hand he started out of the outlet and to his car.

Dropping into the Audi R8, Marbell sat behind the wheel for a moment and looked over his last text. It was the one he'd sent this afternoon to essentially book London for Thursday night. He would have simply chosen Friday night since it made more sense, but he wanted to be focused for the day since there were a few responsibilities at the school he wanted to be able to handle without distractions. Also, depending on how the night went, it would be better to be distracted by school work the next day than whatever Knighting Bell would drop into his lap over the weekend.

By the time he got home from the shopping outlet, Marbell made himself comfortable and took a seat in the living room. His wife was still away, over in Milan, if he remembered correctly, so not having to hear back from her over a couple more weeks was a real positive in going forward with this meeting. Perhaps, if he thoroughly enjoyed his time with this London guy, he'd put a little thought into seeing him again at least once more before the next school week started.

Marbell pulled out his cell phone and kicked his feet up on the coffee table.



The Grand Abode

Room 1005

That was the place he decided to meet London tomorrow. It'd taken three days for him to simply choose a location, and since that had been one of the very first hotels he'd stayed in before officially moving down to Anavrin, Texas, Marbell settled on the spot. Also, he was sure London would at least appreciate the comfort of it. Since the escort had mentioned a hotel rather than a motel or even his own home, he figured it would make the other young man feel at least a little more at ease somewhere nice. Then again, Marbell also couldn't picture himself wanting to meet up in a motel anyways. Four or five stars were his only go to's.

After sending out the message, Marbell's phone pinged a couple minutes later with a reply that read: I'll be there


Standing at the head of his classroom, Marbell breathed a sigh when he turned around and spotted one of his students sleeping. It was Henry. On one hand, he felt bad for what the kid could possibly be going through at home, but he also felt like this behavior was becoming a bit out of hand; to the point where Marbell was beginning to believe he was being too generous with the leniency shown toward the sixteen-year-old. As a teacher, he couldn't just walk up to Henry and demand to know what was going on at home, but he also wanted there to be more he could do. From the way the boy's grades were on a downward spiral, his work remained untouched, and now he was sleeping even more in class during the day, there had to be something more to the kid than a simple disregard for school. Henry's friends Daniel and Munro were on top of their work, and Marbell had even noticed how Daniel attempted to get Henry to pay attention and stop slacking off, but the disregard remained ever present.

Once he was finished writing the rest of the notated formulas on the white board, Marbell capped the dry erase marker and quietly headed through the row of desks leading to Henry's at the back of the class.

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