Sexy for Me

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A/N: this takes place a little after 'Office Hours'

A/N: this takes place a little after 'Office Hours'

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This was the first photo/commercial shoot in a while that Marbell actually took the time to stand in on. It was for a popular men's cologne that was being distributed in America starting next week, and when the Knighting Bell promotional team was asked to help advertise the product successfully, Marbell and Ronald jumped at the opportunity to take this project on as their own.

His patience, however, was wearing thin as the minutes went buy, and the model he'd booked for the shoot was nowhere to be found. Lucas Karrion was a twenty-year-old new face to the world of modeling; great muscly body, perfectly handsome face, pretty much a guy who could snag anyone in the world with a single smirk. But he was young, and stupid, and this close to completely pissing Marbell off. Everyone else, the photographer, camera and equipment crew, makeup artist, and stylists were all in place except for their fucking model!

Approached by his assistant Natalie, the girl was holding a cellphone in her hand, and said, "Vice-Matthews, Lucas is on the line."

Frustrating as it was, Marbell took the phone and circled away from his PA. "Lucas," he said in a dangerously warning tone, "I swear on everything if you are not on your way."

"Sorry, Matthews," Lucas' voice came through the phone. He sounded half-drunk after a night of partying, meaning he hadn't listened when he was told specifically that he was to stay indoors. He was hungover and clearly...not on his way to the shoot. "I'm not going to make today; my brain is doing backflips. Your city is bangin' at night!"

"You have got to be screwing with me..." Marbell felt his anger burning through the top of his skull. "You know what, Lucas? I'm done working with a goddamn child. I didn't sign you a contract so I could be stuck babysitting you for a year. My own kids act better than you. As of today, consider your contract voided. Have a nice flight back to New York!"

"Wait, Matthews-."

Marbell hung up, unwilling to listen to a word that guy had to say. He was always messing up, not listening to the people looking out for him, thinking all of this was just some kind of joke. This was a business, not a daycare.

"Um, Vice-Matthews," Natalie said nervously next to him. "Who else are we going to get for the shoot? Editing and development starts tomorrow, and with no model at all, there's no photos or videos to distribute when the deadline comes."

"Let me think," Marbell said, rubbing at his temples. He tried to think of the other models he already knew were in the city at the moment, but none of them fit the specific qualities that were needed for this product. It was supposed to be a classy shoot with an edgy twist, and while he knew one guy that would work perfectly for this job, he was halfway across the globe in Spain right now. But...there was one more person who could satisfy the shoot's qualities.

After Lover for Pay: ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now