Happy Holidays! Pt1

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Having been raised Catholic his whole life, Marbell had never celebrated any other holiday in December that wasn't Christmas, but since this would be his first time going into the holiday season with London and his family in his life, he wanted to contribute and be involved with their traditions that they were accustomed to. Although they followed two very different religions, he didn't want that to stop them from connecting in such a happy time like when the holidays rolled around.

Likewise, London felt the exact same as his husband, and even though they hadn't spoken about how they were going to celebrate with one another at this time of year, both of them had a little something special to contribute to both Hanukkah and Christmas.


December 5, 2015

one day before the first day of Hanukkah

Waking up beside London had become one of Marbell's favorite things since they'd moved into this house together. Every time he glanced over in the morning and was met with the handsome profile of the man he loved, his heart warmed and he thanked the heavens for blessing him with someone so utterly perfect. While London would argue that he was flawed and imperfect, Marbell would happily shut him up anytime of day, and show him just how precious and valued he was. What he didn't like; however, was waking up to the sound of his morning alarm clock. Still, he had a job to do as a high school math teacher, so he couldn't lay in bed all day, even though that was something he'd love to do more than anything right now.

Then again, he also had plans for the day, so that would've eventually taken him out of the house anyway.

Not wanting to disturb London, Marbell sat up carefully and rolled out of bed. When he stood upright in just his black underwear with white elastic around his waist, he stretched his arms above his head and felt his back and legs pop a little. After letting out a sigh, he went into the bathroom and washed up before getting dressed. As he stood in the shower with hot water raining down his slender body, he placed his hands against the wall beneath the showerhead and closed his eyes.

Even though he didn't know much about the holiday of Hanukkah, Marbell wanted to contribute in at least some way, so what he figured would be a good idea, would be to provide a gift for London, Henry and Joyce for each of the eight days that were celebrated. Some days ago, he'd enjoyed listening to London talk about all the foods he learned how to make when he was younger, having been the one to provide Henry (and even his mother and father) with delicious desserts and foods at this time of year, or ones that were just funner to make at this time of year even if they were a household food. As London's own tradition that he'd started with Henry and Joyce in the first year he'd entered their lives as their guardian, he would make a special treat for every day until the holiday was over.

London had also told him about the presents he planned on getting Henry and Joyce, and as a way to find out what his husband would perhaps want, Marbell had asked Henry if there was anything in particular London wanted as a gift. Honestly, that hadn't been very helpful. London was someone who didn't really...want anything. But, still, Marbell planned to give him something anyway.

All cleaned up after washing his hair and body, Marbell wrapped a towel around his waist after drying off and entered the bedroom quietly. London was still sleeping surprisingly. Since he was such a light sleeper, Marbell had expected him to be awake, but it seemed his long night up with Joyce had really tuckered him out. Did that mean he wouldn't get his goodbye kiss this morning?

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