Happy Holidays! Pt3

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Although Marbell still had to go to work on Christmas Eve, he was just glad he didn't have to spend too long at the office since it closed early on this day. He'd gone in at 10:00am and thankfully clocked out at 4:00pm to head back to the condo. As he sat in the back of his driver's car, he couldn't help smiling to himself when he looked down at the image captured on his cellphone. He absolutely loved the picture him and London and the kids had taken in front of the Christmas tree. It was truly something beautiful in his eyes, a moment he was glad had been stilled forever, and he couldn't wait until they got back home to Texas so he could print it and frame it in their home. That was one of the things Marbell wanted most for their home, to have pictures of moments in time to merely glimpse and recollect on. Like him and London's wedding photo, it was an image that was hung in their living room, a place anyone would be able to see it.

Anxious to get back to his family like he was everyday, Marbell waited patiently until his driver pulled up to the condominium highrise. He paid the man and thanked him before grabbing his briefcase and went inside.

After taking the elevator, Marbell unlocked the front door to the condo and stepped inside. "Ah!" Henry screamed suddenly, and he threw a bundle of wrapping on top of what looked like a medium sized box. "You didn't see it, did you?" the teenager said frantically.

"Uh," Marbell blinked and then averted his eyes, "No, I didn't. Is that a Christmas present?"

Henry crumpled the paper he'd thrown atop the gift and jumbled it in his arms, making sure not a single part of it could be seen. He then started to back away to the hall that led to his room. "Maybe...maybe I just like...wrapping paper."

Marbell furrowed his brow, "You're lying is impeccable."

"That means flawless, right?"

Watching Henry leave to his room, Marbell just laughed to himself and kicked off his shoes. Leaving them by the door, he neared the sofa and dropped his briefcase beside the coffee table. A moment later, as he began to undo his tie, London entered the living room from the hall with Joyce behind him. "You usually call before you come home," the tattooed man said, "We were busy wrapping your gifts."

Joyce circled around her brother and held up a little gold bag with red paper sticking out of the top. "I buy this one for you, Belle. Open it!"

"No, no, no," London denied her eagerness. "Belle's supposed to open it tomorrow."

"Oooooh," the little girl nodded, "For your Christmas, right?"

Marbell nodded, unable to keep the smile from his face, "Yes, why don't you put it under the tree, and I'll open it tomorrow morning when we all wake up."

Joyce then hurried by and set the small bag just beneath the beautiful tree.

Ready to get comfortable now that he was home from the office, Marbell went to their bedroom with London following behind him. When he slipped out of his coat and tossed it on the bed, Marbell spotted two more presents sitting in the center of it. One of them was a thin rectangular red box, and the other was a medium silver bag with green paper at the top.

After pulling his tie from around his collar, Marbell was interrupted from undressing when London enclosed him in a warm embrace from behind. The younger man turned his face into the side of his husband's neck and kissed him. "I don't know how you put up with my neediness," London said, "I always miss you so much when you leave. You could be gone for five minutes and I'd anxiously wait until I can see you again."

Marbell's cheeks flushed and he grinned to himself, allowing London's hands to finish unbuttoning the front of his shirt. "Please," he jested, "That's one of the things I love about you. I'd rather have you be obsessed with me than simply tolerant. I love that you love to show me how much you love me."

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