Catastrophe Pt1

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Henry had spent the last week sweating over a paper he had due in three days, and he was finally finished with it. Given all the distractions waiting for him at home, he spent most of his days after his classes sitting in the library getting his research done. It was a ten page essay that required at least twenty source quotes, and a bibliography, and while papers had never been his strongest assignment to tackle, Henry was more than proud of himself for getting it done ahead of time. He read and reread it over and over again, catching mistakes here and there, edited it to perfection, and when he was 100% sure all it was as it needed to be for an 'A', he printed it out and slid it into a green folder.

With heavy eyes and an empty stomach, all Henry wanted now was to see his boyfriend and get something to eat. Given it was Friday, the library at the school would be closing a five o'clock, which was in five minutes, and Henry was more than ready to get out of there.

After gathering all of his notebooks, pens, and the books he'd pulled off the shelves, Henry closed his backpack and put each book back where it belonged. He said goodbye to the librarians as they did their final walkthrough, and pulled out his phone to check for any missed calls or text messages. There was a missed call from Daniel, but he ended up sending a text afterwards that read: Went straight home after my last class. Partner study session with Sun.

Sun Lyang...

Henry had to repress the eye roll he wanted to do. That guy was a fucking tool, an asshole, and not just any asshole, but the one asshole Henry had come to dislike the most over his time at the university. It sounded like he was in high school again, feeling pissy about the thick-headed jocks, or the arrogant theater kids, and Henry didn't like feeling like he was in high school again, but that guy was the most self-centered, conceited motherfucker in the history of self-centered, conceited motherfuckers. And one of the things that boiled Henry's nerves the most, was that this guy had the right to be self-centered and conceited. The guy was by far the hottest person he'd ever laid eyes on, blessed from head to toe with genes gift wrapped from the gods to be bestowed on such a human being. To be so was a damn crime. And Henry hated Sun Lyang, from the thousands of strands of brown hair on his head, all the way down to his stupid toes. Sun was childish, and he seemed to never make it out of that bubble of being better than everyone else.

They'd all gone to high school together, too, so Henry was all too familiar with him and the things he could do. Sun had charmed his teachers, tempted girls just to make himself feel better, and even won over a couple guys on the basketball team. All in all, Sun Lyang was nothing but a player who expected to get everything he wanted, and that arrogance he carried with him everywhere heated Henry's nerves.

Knowing he was with Daniel...

Henry had to get over there as soon as he could.

After sending a text to Daniel that he was on his way over, Henry walked quickly to his car and dropped into it. He kept his cool during the entire drive, but he couldn't stop thinking about what kind of person Sun Lyang was. Was it mentioned already that Sun was gay? Because, not only was Sun Lyang sexy as hell, Henry wouldn't have been so bothered by his boyfriend spending time with this guy if he hadn't been gay, but, no, Sun was gay and ran through boyfriends like potato chips on a lazy day. And worst of all...he had a reputation of stealing other guys from the relationships they were already in.

Henry would never forget this one moment during his junior year in high school. It had been at lunch hour when he walked into the boy's locker room to find Sun Lyang with his back against a wall, a football player on his knees in front of him, and the eye contact had sent waves of "what the fuck!?" running through him. And the most ironic part, was that that footballer had already been in a relationship with the school's head cheerleader. Yeah, he was that good.

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