Kissed by...Pt3

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When twelve in the afternoon rolled around, Henry and Daniel had just finished cleaning themselves up. Couldn't go to the remaining classes they had today with cum stained hands and clothes, that's for sure. And although what had happened between them was fresh in both their minds, they hadn't quite spoken about it yet. Henry was stuck on the idea that this guy had been his first kiss, and even though his virginity was still intact, he wanted to think getting a hand job from your best friend counted as something. After the spontaneous session ended, Henry couldn't get rid of the ambiguous thoughts coursing through in his mind. Did this mean he liked Daniel more than just a friend, now?

He wasn't going to lie. The way Daniel kissed him. The way Daniel touched him. It all sent tremors of satisfaction into his veins. He very much enjoyed what had gone on in the other boy's bedroom, but did...did he want it to continue? Was this the start of something new and exciting, or an unprompted script waiting to be torn to pieces? There was nothing in Henry telling him what to do, how to feel about his brunette best friend, but there was also nothing to tell him this was wrong, this was the way he was supposed to be. Truth be told, he didn't feel gay, or even bisexual for that matter, but the sensations he'd felt just one hour ago, even what he'd felt last night when he first kissed Daniel, something inside Henry had awaken in that moment to tell him something, but the message still wasn't getting through.

Could it be that it was only Daniel who had the power to make him feel this way? No, of course, not. Sexuality didn't work that way. Right...? Henry sighed, would he ever figure this out?

Waiting for Daniel to finish lacing up his shoes, Henry was sat behind the steering wheel of the Lamborghini. He had study notes out in front of him to get in a small amount of information before heading to the university. After all of their classes were over for the day, he wanted to be able to sit down properly with Daniel so they could talk this out, because, chances are, the guy hadn't a clue what to think about their predicament either.

When Daniel locked up his house and dropped into the Lambo, Henry started the engine and headed out. The ride was quiet most of the way to school, radio on a bit high to block out the silence wrapped around the vehicle. But it didn't remain that way for long. Reaching for the button to turn down the volume of the strident rock music, Daniel said, "Just so you know, I don't expect you to want to be my boyfriend or anything. I know how weird all of this is, and I really just don't want things to be uncomfortable between us."

Leaned back in the driver's seat, Henry switched gears as he weaved carefully through traffic. Maybe he wouldn't have to wait until after school to get whatever this was off his chest. "Things aren't weird, Daniel," he said, "Okay, that was a lie. Things are really weird, but not enough to the point where I'm going to drop you or anything. You're still my best friend, my only friend, actually. It's all just because I don't know what the fuck is going on with me, y'know? I realized last night that I've never really had feelings for anyone before, so I can't tell If I'm straight or whatever, and then when you kissed me, and I kissed you back, it just kinda mixed me up. Is that how it was for you?"

Daniel hugged his backpack against his chest, drumming his fingers on the front pocket. "No," he said adamantly. "I've always known I liked guys and girls...and everyone in between. I'm - uh - I'm pansexual."

Henry furrowed his brow at the unfamiliar word. Keeping his eyes on the road, he said, "What's that? Another sexuality?"

Letting a nervous laugh leave him, Daniel fixed the swoop of his brunette fringe, only having ever explained this one time to his parents back in high school. "Pansexual is when you like or love someone regardless of their sexual orientation, biological gender, or what gender they identify as. Like, for example, maybe I was attracted to a bisexual girl, or a gay guy, or a straight male to female transgender."

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