Catastrophe Pt3

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Henry was still shaking on the inside after what Daniel had told him. He was so fucking angry that his hands were having a hard time not trembling, and it felt as though his heart was hanging on by a thread. Able to hear his pulse thumping in his eardrums, it was as if the radio in the car was on mute, along with the entire world around him. It was a miracle he could still obey the laws of the road given how angry hew was. How could Daniel say something like that to him?

He was nothing like Travis, nothing at all, so how could Daniel just throw that out there like that? It was an insult, and insulting comparison, and Henry only boiled hotter on the inside the longer he thought out it. Had he really turned into his father for those seconds he was in Sun's face? Did he really resemble that much of a tempered maniac?

After pulling up to the house, he killed the engine and sat there for a good couple minutes. The Suburban wasn't in the driveway, so it was safe to assume the rest of his family was out right now, and he was grateful for that. He knew for sure London would sense something was wrong the second he stepped into the door. Now, at least, he had some time to lock himself in his room without enduring the millions of questions.

Suddenly as he went inside and began to climb the back stairs, Henry froze midway and gripped the handrail. Even though he never experienced anything like this before, he felt like an emotional teenager again, getting worked up and angry over things he should be able to understand. Like when he used to disregard London all the time when he came back into him and Joyce's lives, and just like now as his own boyfriend was unhappy with his previous actions.

This was all Henry's fault, wasn't it?

But, the way Sun had touched Daniel, it was so fucking flirtatious how was he supposed to see it as anything other than that? Sure, Sun could have been talking about another guy, but did he really need to put his hands on Daniel like that? Or was Henry just looking for an excuse to explain away his reaction to the little stunt? How was he supposed to react then? Anyone is bound the get upset seeing another person touching the one they're going out with, right? Any girl would be pissed if they witnessed some floosy getting super close to their boyfriend, so why was it such a crime for Henry to show his anger?

It's not like he actually beat the shit out of Sun right then and there. All things considered, leaving Sun behind without so much as a scratch wasn't something TJ Dawncraft would have done!

Slamming his bedroom door behind him, Henry kicked off his shoes and tossed his phone on the bed. There were no missed calls, no new messages, and that alone made him feel like absolute shit. How was he supposed to fix this? Would Daniel even answer his call if he tried to dial him, reply to a text? Henry doubted it.

"This is bullshit," Henry sighed, sitting down at the foot of his bed. He'd never be able to get Daniel to understand why he reacted the way he had, never get him to see the true Sun the way he did. Was this the beginning of the end for them?

Henry could feel the tears filling his eyes and he squeezed them shut, unable to stop the trails from running down his cheeks only to soak into his jeans as they dropped from his chin. He remembered talking with London not that long ago about how scared London was of turning into their dad. But Henry knew London was too strong willed of a man to ever become anything like TJ. His brother had gone on and on about how he'd want Marbell to kick him out if he ever showed signs, and...just now...Henry wondered if it was him who was destined to turn out like TJ.

They say all children are components of their parents, and while London had taken nicely to the mothering attributes that Elaine once had before being ruined by her addictions, did that mean Henry was destined to become their father? Was he going to be the one with anger issues, the one to live a shitty life undeserving of a happy family? Would he someday follow in his father's footsteps?

After Lover for Pay: ONESHOTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora