Catastrophe Pt2

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Saturday morning.

Waking up, Henry he'd even been able to sleep last night. With his thoughts so tortured by dreadful possibilities, he was kept awake for hours, but somehow his exhaustion won him over. Lying in his black sheeted bed, be stared tiredly up at the ceiling above, and just like last night, his mind was filled yet again with the worry that the person he loved most could throw away all that they had, and when he reached towards his nightstand, he also remembered that he'd destroyed his cellphone out of anger.

Stuffing his face in his pillow, Henry groaned and worked himself out of bed. After changed his boxers, he stepped into grey sweatpants and a muscle t-shirt, and then jumbled his hair up into a bun. When he stepped out to head to the bathroom, he wondered if Daniel had tried to contact him again. Was he trying to right now? Every morning they sent their 'Good morning' texts, and now that Henry was left without one, he would never know.

After spitted out the subs of toothpaste in his mouth, he rinsed and glared at his reflection in the mirror. Henry could easily call Daniel and they could speak like that, but once he recalled how he and Sun were likely going to spend this day together as well, he doubted his presence was wanted or thought about.

There was a knock on the bathroom door then and he opened it to Joyce. Her long red hair was a complete mess, and she still looked like she was sleep. "Jesus Christ," Henry moved out of her way, "What did you sleep through, a tornado?"

"Because you look any better..." she mouthed, closing the door behind her.

"So harsh in the morning."

Henry headed downstairs then, and when he stepped into the kitchen, he immediately wanted to turn around and head back upstairs. London and Marbell were talking quietly to each other at the dining counter, and as it appeared, his shattered cellphone was the topic of discussion.

Catching him before he could turn around, London said, "Come here," and when Henry sighed, taking a seat on one of the open stools, he went on. "You really need to learn how to control your anger. You don't even know for sure if Daniel is screwing someone else. Which even I highly doubt is true."

Marbell nudged London's shoulder as if telling him to be gentle with his words. "What I suggest, Henry," he said then, "Is if you don't trust this Sun guy, you should work on trusting Daniel more. The way you two have been to each other for the past months, I couldn't imagine he would just throw all of that away for someone else. Sun might be an asswipe, but at the end of the day, it'll be Daniel who makes that decision. I don't think you have anything to worry about."

"You guys don't know Sun like I do," Henry said, looking down at his hands. "He can manipulate anyone into doing whatever he says, and I'm nervous that he's going to work his way into Daniel's mind. I'm sorry for breaking my phone, but you don't understand the kind of mess my relationship is in right now."

"Ha!" London laughed, "Just be lucky Daniel isn't married to Sun and he's not a complete psychopath. At least let that give you some shred of peace."

"About my cellphone though..." Henry said, looking over the device in front of his brother.

"I can replace it," Marbell said, "Get dressed and I'll take you to get a new one, or are you going dressed like that?"

"So people can stare at my crotch to see if they can tell how big my dick is? No, thank you."

Once he was dressed in black fitted jeans and loose maroon short-sleeved shirt, Henry stepped into his Converse and went back downstairs after letting his hair down. Marbell was already dressed as well in navy blue shorts, and a short-sleeved white t-shirt. He'd shaved this morning which made him look younger and his baby face made it easy to think him and Henry were almost the same age. His brunette hair was swooped out of his forehead, and when he was joined in the living room, he said, "Ready to go?"

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