Distance Pt3

11.5K 514 56

Holding Ozzy's hand as they stood outside of the building where the show had taken place. Marbell was bombarded by a few agencies that represented child models. He was still a little embarrassed from the ordeal that'd taken place during the show, but the complete comedic side of it all took over not long after. Kindly he declined on having his son be a part of anything that would take away from his childhood. He was sure Ozzy wouldn't mind being praised for his cuteness, but Marbell was very informed about what paths modeling, or any career in the limelight, could perhaps do to people who enter it, and while his own agency and the companies he was affiliated with hired and worked with people who could take the stressful lifestyle, it definitely wasn't something he wanted his youngest to be a part of. The many possibilities of how it had the potential to corrupt Ozzy was something he surely wanted to avoid as a father who knew a lot more about the media and how fame worked for young people.

Rolland approached after Marbell excused himself from the managers trying to convince him to let them work with Ozzy. He patted a rough hand on his son's back, "Just one more day to go and we're out of here."

Marbell quirked a brow at his father, "I thought it was three," he said in confusion, switching Ozzy to his other hip when the boy began to slip. "The opening interviews and sitting in today, tomorrow we meet with our girls and guys, and on the third we speak with the scouters wanting to contract said girls and guys with their respective designers."

"I've made a change in schedule," Rolland said. "We're getting all the girls and guys together for dinner this evening at the Celeste, and there we'll talk about who wants to go where, who's been offered what, and then tomorrow you and I will meet with those potential clients and work something out. I have to get back to Manchester on that third day to handle some business, and I'm sure you wouldn't mind getting back to your family a day earlier."

"That's perfect," Marbell said, "I'll have to call London and let him know. For now, do you mind driving me back to the Diamante? I want to lay Ozzy down for a nap and change out of these clothes."

Rolland called for Seth who was speaking with one of the models that worked through them and told him to take Marbell and Ozzy back to the hotel. Meanwhile, Rolland planned to stick around to catch up with other agency managers and corporate owners.

When Marbell and Ozzy were up in their room, he laid the little boy down after he'd fallen asleep during the car ride. The small boy had been so excited during the whole runway show, and it seemed all the running around they'd done afterwards had tuckered him out. Once Marbell had the car seat dragged in and the door was closed, he kicked off the pricey shoes from his feet and slipped the jacket off as well. The clothes had looked really nice on him, but he always felt rather stiff in full suits instead of his usual casual get ups. Now that he didn't have to impress prying eyes anymore, he traded the taupe slacks for nothing but his briefs, and traded the jacket and buttoned shirt for a plain white t-shirt from his luggage.

Laying down across the foot of the bed, Marbell was about to make a call home when Rolland texted him the time reserved for the Celeste restaurant. Dialing London then, Marbell lied there staring up at the ceiling, Ozzy's light snoring filling the room. It was 3:00pm here in Milan given the amount of time they'd spent after the show had ended, so it was about eight or so back home.

"Tell me you're coming home early," London said upon answering, he sounded much more awake than he had before, and Marbell could hear the water to the shower running in the background. "If you do, I'll suck your dick the second you get home."

Marbell had to keep himself from laughing too loud so he wouldn't wake up his son. "You see," Marbell said, "Now I feel like we both have something to look forward to."

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