Valentine's Day Special - (L&M)

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London kissed his little girls goodbye as he dropped Layla and Naomi off at their dance class. He'd be leaving them for an hour and a half, and while they were here, it would give him enough time to head to the store for some last minute shopping. Although he and Marbell never went all out on a holiday like today, especially since they had children and responsibilities, they always stuck to the simple pleasures of being home, and since it was a week day, he knew his working husband would be tired once he got home. Neither of them preferred chocolates or any kind of candy for that matter, and since they didn't really need any stuffed animals crowding their bed, no gifts were ever a thing they worried much for. London was sure they could easily book a hotel room much like Henry had done today, gone out for dinner instead of eating at home, but London hadn't wanted to bother Mrs. Campbell with his need for a babysitter. The women already did enough for him as the kid's godmother. Besides, she was married too, so she probably had an evening out with her husband planned already.

Anyways, all London wanted was for his husband to come home. That's all he ever wanted even while they were in the same city.

"You be good girls for Papa, alright?" London said, kneeling down in front of the twins. "I'll be back later to pick you two up, and then we'll get Ben and Joyce and go home."

Layla was busy looking around at all the other little girls, but Naomi nodded in understanding. He kissed the top of their heads and watched as they ran off towards their instructor. She was a fit young woman probably in her mid-twenties and she had a thing with staring whenever London came to bring his daughters to class. Then again, that was just about every mother he ran into at this place. He couldn't tell if they were looking at him because he was hot as hell, or if they thought it was weird for a guy that looked like him to having kids that attended the class. Either way, he didn't pay any of them much attention.

Lifting Ozzy up against his hip when they left, London rounded the ballet studio towards the parking lot where the Suburban was. "Where go?" Ozzy asked as London buckled him into his car seat.

"To the store," London answered. "You still want to go get toys and candy for everyone, right?"

Ozzy kicked his feet happily, clapping his hands in excitement at the mention of candy and toys. Even though he and Marbell didn't do much of anything even for themselves on this holiday, it was always nice to get a little something for the kids. So he drove then to one of the nearest stores whose main focus was to sell toys for children. When he and Ozzy arrived there, he wiped down the shopping cart he retrieved from inside, and placed Ozzy in the seat instead of having him walk. Lord knows the little boy already got distracted by anything and everything he thought was nice, so to have him running about in a toy store...London thought it not only safer to have Ozzy in the cart but way more helpful.

Sticking to the Valentine theme, London went to the holiday section of the store and looked around. There was a large variety of red, pink, white, and black stuffed toys to choose from, candy boxes of all kinds, and it wouldn't have taken him so long if he hadn't taken the time to read the nutritional facts on the back of each box. Then was candy.

When he finally found sometime for Joyce and his kids, London stacked the candy inside. He spent some time rummaging through the toys afterwards, picking out two grey elephants with red and white heart dotted ears and feet for the twins, a pink and red monkey for Joyce, a brown and red puppy with floppy ears for Benjamin, and then Ozzy was quick to fall in love with the tiniest pink teddy bear he'd seen at the top of the pile.

"You sure you like that one, Oz?" London asked, having seen another bear that was the same color but bigger in size.

"This one, Papa," the two-year-old nodded, "Like this one!"

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