Jealous Lover Pt1

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

London wrinkled his brow, sleep quickly fading from his body.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

He writhed beneath the covers of the bed, bringing up his hands to rub the blurriness from his eyes.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

With a bothered groan, he reached towards the nightstand beside the bed, slamming his clumsy hand down on the button to kill the alarm clock's repetitive peal. When the strident noise died out, London turned over, blind within the darkness of the room as he scrunched himself up against the warmth he'd been wrapped up in during the night. He breathed in heavily, the fine scent of his husband blending into his nose. He laid there for a couple more minutes, resting his eyes while trying not to fall back asleep, and once morning's focus was upon him, he finally released Marbell's body and sat up. "Babe," he said, voice slightly deeper and lethargic, always with the same huskiness in the morning. "Babe, it's time to get up."

Marbell didn't budge so London took his attempts further.

Pressing his lips against Marbell's cheek, when that didn't work, London leaned over him and kissed the man's lips, and his neck and collar. When nothing seemed to be working, London then turned Marbell over onto his back, and curled his weight up against and into the man's sleeping arms.

A grunt left Marbell then, coming awake when the jostle of London's body brought him into awareness. "Ugh," he whined.

"I know," London apologized genuinely. If he could make it so Marbell didn't have to wake up at such an ungodly hour, he would, but neither of their schedules worked that way. Burrowed into his husband's comforting warmth, London said, "I'll make your favorite if you wake up Joyce and Benjamin."

Letting his fingers mindlessly move through London's hair, Marbell finally opened his light brown eyes, unable to see anything in the darkness of their bedroom. He wanted to pull the tattooed man back to him when he went to move, but it was six o'clock on an important Monday. Time to get up. "Deal," he agreed, "Extra blueberries?"

London hauled himself up, tugging on a pair of shorts draped over an armchair beside the bed. "Extra blueberries it is, my king."

When London was out of the bedroom, Marbell blindly reached for his glasses at the bedside table and turned on the lamp, rising up once light was brought to the room. In just an oversized shirt and boxer briefs, Marbell drove two hands back through his hair after shedding his pajamas for black slacks and dark violet shirt, and then made his way out into the corridor for Joyce's bedroom a couple doors down, tie hanging around his neck. Given Ozzy and Layla and Naomi hadn't school yet, he let them be, only waking up Joyce before going into Benjamin's room. His bedroom was always the cleanest compared to his siblings, toys tucked away in his toy chest, closet and floor free from clutter, and when Marbell knelt down by the side of his oldest son's bed, he rubbed a gentle hand at the center of Benjamin's back. "Ben," Marbell said lightly, "Benny, sweetie, it's time to get up for school."

The five-year-old moved beneath his Robin covers, but appeared to need a little more encouragement from his father.

"Ben, sweetie, Papa's making pancakes. Don't you want some?"

"Boo-bury?" the little boy mumbled into his pillow.

"A lot of blueberries."

At that, Benjamin turned over and sat up, his bowl of auburn hair seeming untouched by bedhead when he slid out of from the covers. Once he was up, Marbell went for the closet and took out a fresh pair of clothes, cream trousers and a violet-red striped shirt with tan Sperry Topsiders. When the little boy's glasses were strapped on, he followed his father into the bathroom down the hall where they brushed their teeth together.

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