Distance Pt2

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Ozzy definitely hadn't been ready for such a long and boring flight. Though he'd been entertained by the clouds and sky around them for a little while, once they'd drawn into the fourth hour off the ground, Marbell could already see his son was growing restless. They'd made it, however, after several hours of animated movies on the private jet's television, and a handful of naps, once 2:30am Italy time struck, the jet was landed on an airstrip and Marbell put all of their belongings in the back of a cab set to take them to a hotel. After he had a sleepy Ozzy buckled in his tall car seat, Marbell slid into the back of the cab, directing the driver to the Diamante Hotel.

When his own seatbelt was on and the cab was moving, Marbell relaxed and took his cellphone from his pocket. He dialed London with the push of a button and the ringer sounded just two times before being answered. "How are my king and my little frog prince doing?"

Marbell closed his eyes as his head rest back, "We just got a cab to the hotel we'll be staying at. My father should already be here since he just came from Manchester."

"How is Oz faring?"

"Lost a fight with the sandman so he's asleep in his car seat. Do you want me to wake him up so you can talk to him?"

"No, no, let him sleep. I'm sure he's really tired."

"How was your day?" Marbell asked after a yawn. "Did you guys do anything?"

"I took the girls to that ballet school this morning and talked to the woman in charge. She said they're still a little young to be putting too much strain on their bodies, but we can get them into a basics class that focuses on stretches instead of movements that require a lot of muscle activity. Layla and Naomi are really excited about it."

"That's great, now we can buy them tutus and ballerina slippers. They're going to look so cute."

"You sound tired," London said. "Are you almost to the hotel? You should really get some sleep too, before you have to be up all day. Trust me, you're not always used to how wild our little man can be when he's fully awake."

"Oh, I'm preparing myself for that," Marbell said. "We're almost there, though, and I hope I'll be able to crash out for at least another five hours. The show starts at noon, but my father and I have to be there by ten for interviews, the carpet arrival by eleven, and then the show starts at twelve. It's all in one place. So don't worry about us being all over the city to catch each event."

London hummed on the other line, a little contended that his son would be by Marbell's side at all times. "Are you going to dress him up for the carpet arrival? I don't think the panda outfit he has packed it very suitable for a high end fashion runway show."

Marbell laughed softly at the thought of Ozzy running around in his panda outfit. It was a pair of white pants with a long sleeved, black and white shirt equip with a hood that could be pulled up and had little black ears. It was one of Ozzy's favorite things to wear, and he always looked so adorable in it. "Yeah, I think I'll take him to get something. My baby's going to look like a movie star."

"He likes bows better than ties if you plan to put him in a mini suit. Just keep that in mind. Last time I tried to get him to wear one for those pictures I had taken of all the kids, he kept messing with it and wound up chasing the girls with it."

"I'll keep that in mind."

After a couple more minutes, the cab pulled up in front of the Diamante hotel. It was a five-star not too far from the beautiful Duomo. When he got out with Ozzy in his arms, Marbell then paid the driver. With the help of the overnight hotel staff, their luggage was taken from the trunk and loaded onto a cart to be pushed inside. As he carried Ozzy against him, the sleeping boy snored lightly in his ear. Once he booked a room for the three days they'd be here, Marbell was given a card to the room and led up with a boy who carried their bags.

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