Catastrophe Pt6

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Daniel was dropped off at the university by his mother not long after London left the house. He went straight to his first class to confront Sun himself, but when he turned into the room Sun wasn't there. He felt like a moron for not just listening to Henry about the Korean boy, but he'd been so focused on just getting that assignment done before, that he hadn't taken a second to hear Henry out. And now look where that got the both of them, where it got Henry most of all.

The entire drive to school, had Daniel pieced together several apologies, wanting to sit down with Henry and just let out how sorry he was for being so deaf and blind to the clear warnings. Now he was so fucking angry, not only with himself, but he really wanted to get his hands on Sun and Prof. Mullen.

In fact, Daniel had an idea.

After finishing up with his first class, he checked the time on his phone, a phone that had a lockscreen of him and Henry kissing, and Daniel noted he had a good twenty minutes before his next class started. With a quick pace, he walked across campus to the technology department, moving through the halls until he found Prof. Mullen's office. Since it was empty, he checked the schedule posted beside the door and headed next to the classroom he was supposed to be in.

Daniel jogged up a flight of steps and hurried down towards room TCH204. When he peered inside, Prof. Mullen was sitting behind his desk typing away on his computer, and there weren't any students present at the time being. It heated Daniel to the core just seeing this man going about his life like he hadn't ruined another person's. Clearing his throat then, he entered the empty class, and said, "You must be real proud of yourself."

Prof. Mullen looked up at the voice. He pursed his lips together after recognizing Henry Dawncraft's boyfriend. "What are you doing in here?" he asked.

"Don't play idiot with me, you asshole," Daniel spat, "You and Sun plotted to get Henry expelled and now he's gone." Looking Prof. Mullen up and down with utter disgust, the brunette went on, "You should be ashamed for what you did, all for what, to bang Sun behind the dorms after midday? You shouldn't even be able to call yourself a man."

"Mister Vladu, I apologize, but I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know, the funniest thing about this whole situation, is that you think you're going to get away with this. Well, I'll have you know that you messed with the wrong family when you agreed to screw my boyfriend over yesterday. You're going to lose your job and I hope to God you never work again."

Acting as if he still hadn't a clue what Daniel was talking about, Prof. Mullen looked at the time on the clock across the wall, and said, "Mister Vladu, my class starts in five minutes, and I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I'm sure you're almost late for something, too."

"You just wait," Daniel glared angrily, "Someone's coming after you, Professor."

Turning on his heels, the brunette left the tech department, feeling very good about himself by the time he made it to his classroom. He sat through each of his courses with a mild peace of mind just knowing London was doing something Henry didn't have the will to do. If anything needed to happen by tomorrow, it was for Sun and Prof. Mullen to be dragged into the dirt for what they did. Daniel wanted to call Henry to tell him there was a 99% chance that everything was going to be just fine, but since his number was blocked from calls and texts, he didn't have much of a choice.

Then again, Daniel also didn't want to put up with this distance between them. He wanted to tell the love of his life that there was potential for everything to be okay, he wanted to apologize for all the things he'd said, especially for the fact that he'd compared Henry to someone like Travis James Dawncraft. That alone was such a horrible thing for him to do, and he wanted Henry hear how sorry he was for saying something like that. Ever since high school, he had loved his best friend more than anything in the entire world, so to think of how much that comment must have hurt filled Daniel with regret. Even if Henry decided that he didn't want to get back together with him, the apology was something that needed to pass between them.

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