Catastrophe Pt4

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Henry really needed to stop driving under the influence of his own frustration. His road-rage was off the charts, but even with his chittering nerves, he was able to make it home without regretting his decision to drive. Everyone was home when he went inside, and it didn't take long for him to find the one person he was looking for. Henry needed to see his brother, because the only thought keeping him from totally breaking down right now, was the mere idea that London could make all of his problems go away. Even though he was sure that wouldn't be the case, he just...he needed his brother.

In the kitchen while London and Marbell were getting ready to cook dinner together, Henry was spotted by his elder brother when the man turned around, confused by the look in Henry's eyes before he was bombarded.

London stumbled a little, the small of his back hitting the counter beside the stove when Henry flung himself into his brother's arms. "Everything is so fucked up," the twenty-one-year-old confessed, voice choking up as a waterfall drenched down his face.

Shit, London thought to himself, "What happened?"

"I'm worthless now," Henry sobbed into his brother's shirt. "I'll never amount to anything but a fucking loser."

London glanced towards his husband and then pried Henry off of him. "What happened? Was it between you and Daniel again?"

Henry gasped, remembering the scene in the hallway at Northwest, "Oh, god, you should have seen his face. I – I scared the shit out of him."

"Henry," Marbell interjected, "What happened at school?"

"I got...expelled."

"What!?" the husbands said at once, and then London went on, "For what? Did you get into a fight with Sun, with Daniel?"

"One of my Professors is banging Sun and they ganged up on me, turned my essay in as one I didn't even write. They said I plagiarized the shit out of my own work when it wasn't mine and the Dean expelled me."

"Plagiarism?" Marbell said, knowing of the harsh punishment that could follow a student if they were caught doing such a thing. With this kind of allegation hanging over his head for the rest of his life, Henry would never make it back into another school on his own. "That's a serious accusation," the man said, fixing his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "And, you're going to hate me for asking this, but you're sure it wasn't your paper?"

"It wasn't mine," Henry said, wiping his eyes, "They even showed me that mess and I tried to tell them, but what Dean in their right mind would believe the son of a known convicted felon over their own staff? You should have seen the way they were looking at me, like I was some kind of fucking idiot. I wrote my own paper, Marbell, you know that, I asked you about my thesis statement and everything. I wouldn't – I wouldn't do this."

"I believe you Henry," Marbell nodded his understanding, "Can you prove they got rid of your other one. Like, do you have it saved on your laptop still?"

"No..." Henry sighed, "I deleted it off of my jumpdrive after I printed it out because it was taking up room. The only copy is the one I handed in because I didn't think I'd need it again, especially for something like this. Fucking Professor Mullen, I should have kicked his ass too."

At that, London asked, "So you did get into a fight?"

"I kind of fought Sun in the middle of the hallway, people were watching. Fuck...and Daniel saw me that way, I almost hit him when I turned around." With the feeling of everything crumbling down around Henry, he covered his mouth and darted for the bathroom on the other side of the stairwell. "I'm gonna be sick!"

He raced into the bathroom and bent over the toilet and threw-up, London coming in quickly after him to hold his hair back. When his brother spit, he said, "We'll do something," London said. "Those assholes aren't going to get away with doing this to my brother. Marbell's got lawyers, I'm sure–."

After Lover for Pay: ONESHOTSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz