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POV : Being the workaholic and perfectionist she is, Sooyun has immersed herself in this project working hard to deliver her work in the most perfect way possible. She had to visit Starpop Ent. for collecting details about the idols and had to come back to her office to work on her ongoing stories and cartoons, right after.

A project like this usually takes a year or two taking into account, only on person is working on it day and night. Sooyun has always used to challenge herself and finishes every task on time which was ever given to her. This is why Sooyun has always been an inspiration and motivation for her colleagues and even envied by a some among them.
Meanwhile, Kang Cheol was simply sitting and staring at Sooyun's cabin. He was making different plans to seek her attention but sadly all his plans were sloshed.
On the other hand, COSMIX members are really excited to read their own story.

Sooyun : Agh my head! I'm so tired. Hmm I need a cold coffee.

*Kang Cheol entered Sooyun's cabin after 2 minutes. He was holding a can of cold coffee.

Kang Cheol : Have this coffee, and you'll be refreshed.

Sooyun : *jaw dropped* H-how did you know that I need coffee?

Kang Cheol : Umm I- yeah, I saw you really exhausted with the work, so I thought that coffee will help you to feel better. It's already 12am and you are still working without going back home.

Sooyun : *smiles* I need to finish my work.

Kang Cheol : [Mind voice : Don't overwork Sooyun, you may get sick. By the way, your smile is beautiful.] You won't tell me to have a seat?!

Sooyun : Oh I'm really sorry sir, please have a seat.

Kang Cheol : Will you please stop calling me "sir"?!

Sooyun : I-

Kang Cheol : Come on, we're are same aged people, why don't you call me by my name? Is it hard for you to pronounce Kang Cheol?!

Sooyun : I- no sir, how can I call you by your name!

Kang Cheol : Friends?! *Extends his hand for hand shake.

Sooyun : Huh?!

Kang Cheol : You call your friends by their names right??

Sooyun : Y-yeah.

Kang Cheol : Can we be friends?

*Sooyun was confused at first then she shakes hand with him.

Kang Cheol : Is it done?

Sooyun : What?

Kang Cheol : The project-

Sooyun : Yeah, I have finished writing the story and now I'm making cartoons. 5,6 pictures are left.

Kang Cheol : Cool! Can I help you in drawing the rest?

Sooyun : y-you?

Kang Cheol : Yeah, why?

Sooyun : You've a lot of work to do.

Kang Cheol : Nah! I don't have any works left. I've already finished everything on time. I can help you in drawing. I'm good in drawing since childhood.

Sooyun : No, it's okay. I can do it by myself.

Kang Cheol : Don't overwork Ms. Kim Sooyun. It's my order, you better obey me.

Sooyun : I-

Kang Cheol : I'll help you. *Smiles

*Kang Cheol started drawing on the professional drawing tablet mostly used by cartoonists.


Kang Cheol started saying cracked jokes digged out from the graves in Norwegian Islands but actually Sooyun felt it funny and she started laughing hysterically. It's been a long time since someone made Sooyun laugh like this. She felt really happy while expressing her emotions which was actually hidden inside her for years. Even Robots have entertainment but she was leading a sorrowful black and white life without a romantic company.
Kang Cheol have never talked to anyone like this before. He knew that his jokes were not good but he was happy to see Sooyun laughing. He was actually craving for this moment.

Kang Cheol : So Ms. Kim Sooyun, who's your ideal type?

Sooyun : call me Sooyun.

Kang Cheol : Okay *giggles* now tell me.

Sooyun : I don't have an ideal type.

Kang Cheol : Impossible!!

Sooyun : Haha, I'm in love with fictional characters. Tall and handsome with supernatural powers.

Kang Cheol : What do you expect from him?

Sooyun : Support, protection and unconditional love.

Kang Cheol : Do you think that someone exist?! I mean your ideal type.

Sooyun : I don't know. Maybe I'll find my man in future.

Kang Cheol : Go inside the comic like Oh Yeonjoo. *Laughs

Sooyun : You like W? *Amazed.

Kang Cheol : Ofcourse, it's my favourite drama. Kang Cheol haha, my name.

Sooyun : I started loving fictional characters after watching W. I love Kang Cheol a lot. Is your ideal type Oh Yeonjoo? *laughs.

Kang Cheol : Umm... my ideal type is someone like you.

Sooyun : Me? *Confused.

Kang Cheol : Yeah, smart while working, emotional while loving, crazy when she's drunk, Cute while pouting haha.

Sooyun : *embarrassed

*Sooyun started blushing when he revealed his ideal type. Kang Cheol noticed her soft and beautiful pinkish cheeks.

Kang Cheol : Your cheeks looks pretty. *Laughs.

*Straight away Sooyun covered her cheeks with her palm which made Kang Cheol laugh more. He didn't wanted to take his eyes off from her face. He is looking at sooyun just like there's no tomorrow.

POV : Sooyun felt extremely stress-free after talking to Kang Cheol. She was tired so she fell asleep while sitting on her office chair. It was already 3am and Kang Cheol was uncomfortable to see her like this but at the same time, he didn't wanted to disturb her. He thought of taking her to his cabin where she can sleep peacefully on his couch but then he realised that there's a chance for her to wake up while lifting her up. He lowered the temperature of air conditioner of her cabin by turning on the dry mode. Then he removed his blazer and covered her with it. He was not planning to leave the cabin. He started drawing the cartoons which was already designed by Sooyun. He felt a kind of pleasure while helping her. He finished the work and it was already 5.30am. He was tired so he thought of taking a nap while sitting on the chair itself.

AFTER DUSK [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now