7 2 0

Mrs Kim: I should tell you the truth now. We are Tremere clan's servants. We are protecting the treasure. I was able to identify Kang Cheol because I have the power to recognise our master but unfortunately Sooyun didn't got this power because Master Richard is no more.

Kang Cheol: Can you please explain?!

Mrs Kim: The women of our family is incharge of protecting the crystal. We get the crystal in our 22nd birthday. When I was 22 years old, Richard was alive so he gave me the power to recognise the vampire but when Sooyun turned 22, Richard is no more.

Sooyun: Why didn't you tell me this mom? *Teary eyes*

Mrs Kim: Because I wanted to protect you. You are my blood. That werewolf is the most cruel one. He is immortal, only the dagger with crystal can kill him.

Kang Cheol: I'll take out the dagger from the palace next month during the 7th full moon night.

Mrs Kim: Kang Cheol, do you think it'll be easy? You'll have to face so many obstacles on your way. Richard, our master was protecting the dagger. That place is magical.

Kang Cheol: I will kill that filthy werewolf at any cost. Because of him, I almost lost my love. *looks at Sooyun with teary eyes*

Sooyun: that means my dad-

Mrs Kim: Yes dear, it is said that your dad has been killed by the werewolf. Your dad was a brave man. He protected the crystal till the end.

*Hearing that, Sooyun burst into tears while remembering the sweet memories with her dad.

Sooyun: Mom why is it always me? I won't say that I'm unluck but why? Why does all the bad things happens to me? *Starts crying with so much pain*
We have to find the real face of werewolf. I mean the human form.

Kang Cheol: Yeah we will but you have to take rest now.

POV: Kang Cheol was about to go out to get some food for Sooyun but suddenly, he got a notification.
[Text from Taewoon with an article : Kang Cheol what are you gonna do now?]

Article caption: Miss Kim Sooyun is going to be Mrs Kang soon. We proceed with the proofs.

The pictures of Kang Cheol and Sooyun went viral all over the social media like wild fire breaking the hearts of thousands of women who had a crush on him. An unknown user uploaded these pictures in social media leading to a controversy. Kang Cheol showed the news article to Sooyun. She was scared because this news might affect his reputation.
*End of POV*

Kang : Well... They made my work easier. *Smirk*

Sooyun: What do you mean?

Kang Cheol: Just wait and watch baby girl. *Winks*

* They heard fake coughs of Sooyun's mom.

Kang Cheol: Ehe mom take care of her. I'm going home now, I'll be back after attending the press meet.

*Saying that, he left from there making Sooyun confuse.

Mrs Kim: Ahem- I guess he loves you so much.

Sooyun: Yes he do. *Blush*

Mrs Kim: Have you both ever kissed each other?

Sooyun: Yeah on cheeks. *Realised what she said just now* MOM!!!!!

Mrs Kim: *laughs* Aww... I know the feeling of love. I loved your dad so much. *Sad smile*

Sooyun: You never told me your love story.

Mrs Kim: Your dad was also a servant of Tremere clan. We loved each other very much. You and Woohyun are the proof of it.

[Author: I know that you guys are not so interested in old style love story so let's skip it and move on to the story.]

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