1. "Have a good day"

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Todays the first day of school and of course I wasn't feeling it. I have to go to school and work like a fucking dog. Man I wish I was grown. I would have my own business and make 6 figures a day. It's fine tho bc my bestfriend and I have the exact schedule.

I get a ft call from Kennedy, my bestfriend, I pick up and answer.

"Yessss girl?" I drag.

"Are you ready? I'm almost outside of your house, we can get Starbucks before going to school, if you'd like?" Kennedy trying to cheer me up, she can tell by the sound of my voice that I'm really not feeling today.

"Yeah I'm almost done, I'm putting on my earrings, and yes we can go get Starbucks" My tone changed, Starbucks fixes everything Lol.

"Alright bye cya."

"Cya" We hang up and I put my laptop, makeup and charger in my backpack. 5 mins later I hear the horn. I hug my parents goodbye and get in the car with Kennedy. 

"Hey girl"


"Girl are you seriously acting like this?"

"Yes girl, another year of working hard all over again"

"Its ok, just remember you doing this for you." She looks at me and gives me a smile.

I return the smile, "You right I'm just trying graduate and go to college."

We pulled up to Starbucks and they gave us our drinks. As we get back on the road Kennedy sparks up the conversation.

"Well yk theres a party this Friday? Im going and that means you are too." She smiles.

"Ugh, Friday what time?" I roll my eyes.

"Around 6, but we can go around 7 or 8." She emphasizes.

"Yeah 7 sounds good." I nod with a smile. I really wasn't trying to go  but whatever.

"You know Christians gonna be there." She says.

My eyes widen. I never talked to him but i seen him a lot around school. He never payed attention to me. It's not like I have a crush on him. I just think he's pretty cute.

"Oh I forgot all about him." I giggle.

Kennedy laughs, "That's just sad."

As we arrive at hell (school) I see tons of jocks, a few Emo's and a lot of fuckboys. I'm not surprised tho. We pull up and Kennedy parks beside this car and I turn and see Christian. He was looking down at his phone. I cover my face.

"Whats wrong?" Kennedy asks.

I lowered my seat back a little so she can see him and she starts laughing. 

"You knew what you were doing."

She continues laughing, "Whatever, stop acting all shy and get out."

I open my door and boom. Great...I just hit Christians door, way to start the first day of school. I dont see any scratches or dents, but still that's hella embarrassing . I get out and he raises his window down.

"I'm so sorry, I didnt mean to. My friend kinda parked to close to your car-"

"You good ma, no harm done." Christian slides me a smile.

I shoot one back and starts walking inside.

"Have a good day." He says.


"I seen that" Kennedy laughs.

"Stop it." I hold my head.

"Girl you have to get out of your head. That was not embarrassing. Shit happens you know."

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