32."So you gon make me beg?"

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The night of the party

I'm in the room getting dressed, as I put on my earrings David joins me and sits on the bed.

"Where you going?" David asks me.

"A party in Beverly Hills."

"Oh ok-" David gets interrupted by a FaceTime call. "Wassup."

"You going to the party?" It's Sincere.

"What party?" David asks.

"This party April and Angel was gonna sneak off too."

I roll my eyes, "We were not going to sneak off."

"Anyways, supposedly there's going to be tons of rappers and influencers there. And you know most of them niggas get cocky cuz they got money and they known for their fame and popularity. Ion know about you but they ain't getting my girl, so I'm going."

David looks up at me in the mirror, "Right. We Gon see y'all there."

They say their goodbyes and hang up.

David makes a phone call, "Hey mom, can you watch Kai for me tonight. Angel and I are going out."

"Yeah I can, just bring him by. Also, tell Angel I said hi." His mom replies.

I greet her back, "Hiiii."

David says, "She said hi. Imma call you when I'm on my way."

They say their goodbyes and hang up.

"Thought you was slick huh?" David says as he gets up from his seat and side eyes me.

I laugh, "Don't start."

"Mhm, I'm on to yo shit. Keep on being sneaky." He takes off his shirt and goes to the bathroom and runs the shower.

I roll my eyes and get Kai dressed and feed him. After I burped him, I give him one of his toys he likes to play with. I get a few shots of him as he giggles and plays with his toy.

Moments later, David comes out of the shower and gets dressed. Once he finishes he puts Kai in his car seat and we head to the car. David drops Kai off to his mom's house and we go to the party.

Once we arrived there, I saw tons of my favorite artists there. Paparazzi was taking tons of pics as David opens the door for me and helps me out. He holds My hand and walks me in. As we entered the house, I look around to find April. I peep her coming out the restroom with Sincere.

I attempt to approach April but David stops me by grabbing me and pulling me close to him, "Where the hell you going?"

"Chill out ain't nobody finna cheat on you, I'm just going to say hi to April."

"Mhm.." He let's me go.

I finally make my way to April, "Girl I'm so glad you're here." She sighs of relief. "Sincere has been up my ass!"

I laugh, "Literally. David think I'm doing something sneaky like boy chill out."

April and I laugh and April pauses for a min then gasp ,"BITCH IS THAT LIL BABY?!"

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