27. "Ok, Sugar baby"

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I was just fucking with yall 🙂

Other than that... (scroll down)

Once I've finished with my clients nails, they pay me, and out the door they go. I go in my room to chill for a bit, and my mom joins me to be nosey.

"So, how'd the appointment go."

"Doc said I should pop any minute now."

She gasps lightly, "Really?"

"Yep. I'm not ready yet."

"Too bad."

I sigh and roll my eyes with a laugh.

"What happened after the appointment."

"He took me to go eat and we kissed, then he took me home."

"No way.."

"Yes way."

"You let him ki-"

"Yep." I smile.

"Well, that was surprising."

"Yeah, he's coming over later on tonight."

"Well that's good that you let him back into your life." She smiles.

"Agreed...but why have you been so happy and uppity..." I fold my arms...well at least attempt to and give mom a look.

Mom blushes, "Well, I've been seeing someone."


She takes out her phone and shows me a pic.



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"Mom- is he older than you?"

Mom blushes, "Yes, but he's so sweet to me. We've actually been talking for months, I just thought it was too early to bring him in the picture. If we being honest...he's my sugar daddy and we caught feelings for each other."

"Ok, sugar baby."

She laughs, "We plan on going out tonight so, you and Christian will be alone."

I shrug and smile, "Well have fun."

Mom leaves then my phone rings. Its Christian calling me so I pick up.


"Hey, you free yet?"

"Yeah, me and mom was talking. I was going to call you. You can come over if you'd like."

"Alright, I'm on my way ma."

We say goodbye and hang up. At this point I start getting nervous like we weren't alone hours ago. I text Christian and let him know that I'll be leaving the door unlocked for him. I go unlock the door for him, then go do my night routine as usual.

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