34. "Oh ..."

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We waited awhile for Kai to be a little more independent for us to move out of state. You guessed it right, my mom, and Aprils family moved out of state with us. We are all neighbors in the same suburbs and we don't live no more than 2 blocks away from each other. Our neighborhood is so beautiful. It's filled with so many lakes and wildlife in the area. Kai is now 2 years old going on 3 and he uses his words and he's getting very smart as the day go by. April is also pregnant with Sincere baby. They recently got married.

Today we're spending a family day at my house. April and I are in the kitchen talking, while my mom takes care of the kids and the men are upstairs in the studio.

"So what do you have planned for kai's birthday?", April asks me.

"I have no clue, I just know he likes spiderman so that's the theme for the party.", I say.

"Oh mk."

Kai hops off the couch and runs to the kitchen, and embraces both of my legs while looking up at me, "ma, I hungry."

"Ok, mi amor. The food is almost done, ok?" I rub his head.

"Ok." He lets go and runs back to the living room and jumps on Ariel.

April, my mom and I laugh as the two play together.

We finish the food moments later and call everyone to our dining table. April and I plate everyone's food and places them on the table for everyone. After doing everything we eat and talk at the table. For a moment there's nothing but silence. David and Sincere are scoffing down their food.

"Damn, y'all must've been hungry?" I ask.

David nods, "we been working all day since 5 am."

Sincere agrees," true."

April giggles,"omg."

After bonding with desert, everyone leaves and goes home and now I'm stuck with motor-mouth Kai and David.

I sit on the couch while watching tv cuddled up on David. Kai runs downs stairs and into the living room and climbs on the couch. He gets closer to me and breaks me and David up. He then sits in the little amount of space between me and David.

"What was that for?" David asks Kai.

Kai shrugs and giggles"I don know." He grabs ahold to my arm and I giggle.

Moments later, I get a knock on the front door. I instantly get up to see who it is. But when I open the door. There's nothing there but a big bouquet of red flowers. I pick them and read the note. I spotted some kind of substance on the petals and dusted it off with my hand. I read it out loud "always and forever -715431" I close the front door and meet my family back into the living room.

David creeps up behind me and slaps df out of my ass. Ian Gon lie it low-key hurted.

I Jump and hold my ass cheek,"ow! What is your problem?"

Kai giggles and I give him a look, "it's not funny."

"That bet not be from no nigga. I'm not playing with you." David looks at me.

"It's not." I roll my eyes.

"Let me find out you got secret admirers and shit." He glares at me.

"What df ever." I sass him.

I put the flower in a vase and next thing my vision begins to be blurry and my breath is very shallow. I call onto David and turn around," I'm not feeling ok-..." I fall onto the floor and my eyes roll to the back of my head.

Next thing I know I wake up in the ER. I look over to my right and David is holding my hand waiting for me to wakeup. I try to sit up but David rushed upon his feet to help me lay back down.

"No, you have to rest." He says to me.

"Why? All of these damn cords are getting on my nerves." I try to take them off.

"angel! No."

I stop in my tracks.

"You are being monitored as of right now until the nurses come back with analysis."

I sigh and relax. Moments later the nurse come into the room to explain to us what happened.

"Hi! I'm your nurse Veronica and I will be taking care of you. Now seems to be that you passed out after picking up some flowers. Can you run me through what happened?"

"Well, I was on the couch, I got up to answer the door and picked up some flowers. dusted them off and ended up here." I shrug.

"Ok good. You remember some thing's. We called the police because due to the substance you dusted off, it is unknown but it's been used to sex traffic victims as in like make you unconscious and the predator come and get you, from wherever you are. It's considered very fatal and you died for 5-10 mins that's why we have you under these cords."

"Oh ..." I was too stunner to speak.

"Do you have any idea who could've done this to you?... Any enemies or anything?" Veronica asks me.

"Well I did have a stalker on my hands for a minute but it's been 2 years since we moved. But other than that no." I shrug.

"Ok. Well the numbers on the bouquet signifies a message or a code. That's all the detectives found out. They're still doing more to help but as of right now, that's the only conclusion they came up with." Veronica says.

"Thank you so much."

"As of right now, were going to keep you under analysis for one more day to make sure your ok before going home. Is that ok?" Veronica insisted

"Yes. I appreciate it." I say.

"Ok. Would you like some water or something?" Veronica asked.

"No that's ok. Thanks tho."

"No problem." Veronica leaves the room.

"Baby, where Kai?" I ask David.

"He's at your mom's, my love. I couldn't let him see you like this." David says as he caresses my face. He grabs the car keys, " I'm going to bring you some canes back. I know your hungry. I be back, ok?"

"Ok." I say.

He leans down to kiss me and I kiss him back. He leaves and less then 10 mins later he comes back with canes.

We eat out food and cut on the tv. A picture of me kai appear on the news with the caption of: Rapper DD Osama spouse Sex Trafficked

I cut it off and throw the remote, "Stupid ass journalist and blogs with this false ass information." I take a bite of my food.

"Calm down, Don't stress it. Imma clear this up sooner than later. I got everything under control. Trust me." He holds my hand.

I sigh of relief and continue eating.

After eating and talking with David I finally built the courage to go to sleep. After all my day was pretty busy and hectic I needed it.

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