21. "Home sweet home."

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I call Misiel back and we talk for a bit. He wants to pick me up so we can talk about this in person because he cant hear me over all the crying I'm doing. I get ready and by the time im finish he's outside.

I go get in the car and share my location with April.

He drives off ,"So what's going on?"

"It's a lot right now."

"I get you. What's wrong with your voice like what happened?"

"He choked me with both hands, last night when he found the napkin you gave me."

"Aw, I'm sorry mama."

"It's fine."

"Did you eat?"

"No, I wasn't in the mood to eat."

"Lets go get you something."

I pause for a minute and begin to speak, "So...your not like...disgusted with me or anything because I'm pregnant with someone else kid."

He shakes his head no, "Naw, ain't nothing wrong with that. Why would I be mad?"

"I don't know, I was just over thinking it."

"Angel, I'm on you real bad. I'm going to always be here for you and I'm willing to be in the child's life. I love kids. Don't worry, I got you. Your ex is the past so I'm not trippen on that."

I nod and stay quiet. I'm still astonished about the pregnancy.

"How do you feel about it tho."

"Kinda mad about it tbh."

"Don't be. At least u got a good outcome from it...Can I touch it?"

I nod and smile, "Yes."

He rubs my tummy and smiles.

We get to our destination and Misiel gets out and open the door for me and lets me out.

"Thank you." I smile.

"Of course, sweetheart." He shuts the door behind me.

We go inside and we were seated by one of the waitress. We sit, eat and talk.

"You never been here before?"

"I mean, I remember passing by here but never like going in to eat or anything."

"That's crazy."

After we finish eating and talking he takes me to a hill just a few minutes out side of town. We drive up the hill just a bit to watch the sunset. We get out and sit on the hood of the car and talk.

"So, will you get back with him? Like after the baby."

I shake my head, "No, he choked me while I'm holding his child and he got another girl pregnant. That was his last chance fucking up."

"Oh alright."

"Why you ask?"

"Just curious that's all, sorry if I was being nosey."

"You're totally fine."

"He smiles at me."

After we finish we leave and he drops me off to April and Sincere house. I plan on moving out of their house in the next 2 days, so imma just go inside and start looking for another house that isn't too far from April and Sincere's house.

Once I've stepped foot inside I go to the guest room and get on my phone and search up houses. I found a 4 bedroom house, it's pretty cute and it has stairs, my favorite. Unfortunately, it's not gonna be my favorite once my baby bump starts appearing. I'm so not ready for what this pregnancy is going to bring me through.

Just Might  (FAN FICTION)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant