12."To be in love with a thug."

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It's the next day and Christian has already woken up before me. I hear Sincere, April and Christian talking.

".... Next Time just go fuck outside on the balcony or sum shit. Y'all was loud." Sincere complains playfully.

"She'd luv that shit too." Christian shows off.

April laughs, "Y'all funny man."

I go into the bathroom and take a shower and do my morning and skincare routine. After im finish I go and join everyone else in the living room.

"So that's Christian pussy, now?"

I shot a bird at April and laugh, "wtf ever,April."

Everyone teases me.

Christians starts mocking my moans from last night. I look at him while laughing and roll my eyes," you're so childish bro."

"Childish, but I put yo ass to sleep."

We playfully argue.

"Be so fucking for real, you literally went to sleep before me."

Christian goes quiet for a moment.

"It's quiet ain't no back talk."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

Everyone stares at me.

Christian nods and smirks, "Alright."

Yesterday was Christian and I one month anniversary but we didn't really celebrate it so today he's taking me to the mall and spending a bag on me.

We go get ready and by the time I finish, Christian is in the car waiting for me. Sincere and April has other plans. So, we'll catch them later.

I get in the car and Christian and I exchange kisses and he drives off and gets on the highway and head to the mall.

We arrive at the mall and Christian holds his hand out to me and I take his hand then we walk inside the mall.

"Where you wanna go, first?"

"Victoria secret."

We walk to Victoria Secret and I go pick out panties and bra sets. I only picked out 2 pairs because I got a some at home and I buy sets from "Adore Me" online. I pick up some perfume I've recently ran out of.

After I finish, I to to check out and before I could even pull out my card, Christian gives his card to the cashier and pays for my things.

"I told you, you never spending a dime."

"Thanks Chris, but I had it."

"I don't care. Now let's go."

He grabs my hand and we go to other stores.

We finish and at this point he has more than 10 bags in his hands. He bought me shoes, clothes, make up and accessories. We exit the mall and he loads everything in the car.

We get in and he drives.

"Thanks for everything, but why didn't you let me buy it myself I had it."

"You don't deserve spending your money. Just let me take care of you."

"I don't mean to be nosey but what do you do to make that much money..."

He laughs,"Imma drug dealer, ma"

"Oh ok."

"Ye, you ain't never been with a thug?"

"No, this my first relationship but my mom was."

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