33. "Hey beautiful."

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It's the next day around 3:30 ish and Kai and I went to have Fro-Yo with Ariel and April. We go on the beach to enjoy the weather and talk things out. April and I sit under some shade against the sea wall.

"So how come I got in trouble and you didn't?" April asks

"Well, I did get in trouble but not technically if you know what I mean." I turn my head another direction.

"Oh wow, Angel..."

I try not to laugh.

"No wonder why you been so uppity and grinning these past few hours."

I cover my face,"Stop, because he completely slutted me out."

April takes a bottle of water. Something was telling me it wasn't water bc the smell of tequila reeks from the cap of the bottle. She takes one to the head. "Amen to that." She says after taking a moment to rekindle herself.

I was too stunned to speak, "April-..."

Her and I both laugh.

"Was that a-"

She puts it away while laughing," yes girl"

"Ain't no way." I shake my head and laugh.

"I mean atleast u getting some. Sincere is still so upset with me." She rolls her eyes.

"That anger will turn into pleasure, sooner than later. Just let it all build up and when it's time, he'll put it on you."

April taps me, "Angel omg!"

I laugh, "what? It's kinda obvious tho don't you think."

"I mean, you do have a point. You right imma just let it all fall into place." She pauses, "but let's get into this body."

I stand up and give her a 360, "you see me."

I hear a familiar voice that came out of nowhere, "yes I do."

I turn around to see Misiel watching me.

I sigh and roll my eyes with my arms folded.

"Hey Beautiful.

"Uhn uhn. ARIEL GET YOUR SAND BUCKET WE FINNA GO" April calls out to Ariel.

"Take Kai while I deal with this." I say.

"Ok." April takes Kai and Ariel to the car

Misiel looks at me, "You look so good."

"I know, now what do you want."

"Us." he glares at me and gets closer to me.

"There will never be another us, now good day." I walk off but he grabs me. I look at his hand and back at him," look I don't have time to play your games. I have a family to tend to if you don't mind."

" I knew once I let you leave you'd get right back with David. I should've killed you right then and there." He tightens his grip with every word he says, pulls his gun out and places it on my heart then drags it down to my psy. The aggression in his voice is clear that he meant everything that was said.

I tug my arm to get away from him, "You don't know who you fuckin with" I look him right in the eyes and walk away.

"I'll be back, this ain't over mama. It's just the beginning." He smirks.

I get in the car holding my arm.

"Girl what's wrong?" April asks.

"He gripped df out my arm."

"Oh shit... Not this again." April sighs, "I'm telling David."

"I mean he's gonna see the marks Misiel left anyways so it doesn't even matter."

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