31."I hate you."

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After kicking it with April, she dropped us off at home as usual. Once we've made it in, I did Kai and I night routine as usual. When I finished, I join David on the couch and fed Kai his last bottle for the night.

"How was the Galleria and brunch." David asks me.

"Brunch was good, but the Galleria.."

He looks at me, "Go on."

"I got harassed again."

"I'm already knowing." He pulls out a pink tazer and pepper spray, "Here. Go put this in your purse."

I take it and put it in my purse that was placed on the counter in the kitchen.

I sit back in my seat and relax.

David starts kissing on my neck.

I squeal softly, "Stop it. I'm feeding the baby."

David alarms me, "Sh. He's sleep. Now go put him in his crib."

"Fine.." I scoff and put Malachai in his crib which is in David and I room. I come back and sit beside David.

David places his hand in my inner thigh. I slap his hand, "No."

He whines, "Mama cmon."

"Not while my baby is sleeping."

"Our." He corrects.

"I popped him out."

"Yeah, only because I put him in you."

I try not to laugh so I just grin, "I hate you."

He chuckles,"Watch ya mouth." He grabs me by my throat and kisses me as I return the kiss.

"I'll make it up to you this weekend." I say.

"Who's he gonna go with?" David asks.

"I can ask my mom." I suggest.


The next day

David decided to take the baby with him for the day while I went out with April. We decided to go to a longue to sip and spill tea.

"I think I might be pregnant." April says.

"YOU WHAT?!" My eyes widen.

"I said might. Chill out Angel." April laughs.


"It's probably just a pregnancy scare, who knows."

"Maybe." I fold my arms and give her a look.

"No but tell me why Adrian reached out to me."



"Well what did he say."

"He was just saying he wanted to be in Ariel's life and take care of her."

"After all these years now he wanna step up and be a quote on quote father" I roll my eyes.

"I said the exact same thing. I told him Ariel has a new daddy and he's doing the job he was suppose to be doing."

"So...what you gon do."

"Well, I guess I can let the two meet although I still don't fuck with Adrian. Ariel does know Sincere is not her biological father."

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