15. "I don't want anything to do with you."

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Christian's POV

Not Gon lie...seeing Angel made me regret the shit I did in Sugarhill. I really do miss her.

I'm at Sincere house with Ariel.

Sincere gets on my ass for what I did to Angel," why you do her like that gang?"

"Man I don't even know and Ian even Gon blame nobody but me. This shit all my fault and she probably moved on."


"I hope not, I'll kill every nigga she fuck wit."

Angel got finer than ever and I be damned if somebody else hitting that 😩

Sincere laughs at me," mane Gone on."

"I'm so for real, gang. I should text her."

"Naw talk to her in person, it's way better."

"You right, imma do it tomorrow. She love flowers."

"Ye go get yo girl back, broadie."

We dap each other up.

"Alright imma head out, imma go home and talk to my mom about it, you know, to get a woman's prospective."

"Yeah do dat."

I left sincere's house and headed home. Mom was cooking and Kayden was in his room playing his game.

"Ma, I got a question?"

"What is it?"

"Let's say somebody cheated on you and did you so damn dirty in the worst way ever. How would you feel if they showed up to your house with stuff you liked and wanted to talk and apologize."

"I'd say fuck him and whatever df he bought me."

Damn...this shit ain't as easy like I thought it would be.


" Yeah dang is right. I'm really upset with how you did Angel like that. She was such a sweet soul, why did you do her like that?"

" I know, ma. I don't even know why I did that. I feel terrible for it and I really miss her more than ever."

" You should."

I shake my head and go in my room. I stayed up all night thinking about her and what we had. I missed it so much. I missed her, her face, her personality, her smile, her personality, her body, the sex we had. Literally everything. This girl had me wrapped around her fucking finger.

The next day

I got ready and around 4 o'clock I went to her house. I pulled up to her house and she was there. After sitting in the car for about 10 minutes second guessing this shit, I got out the car and knocked on her door.

Minutes later, Angel open the door and I was happy to see her. I can tell by the look on her face she was not happy to see me. She tries to shut the door on me before I could even say anything. I put my hand against the door to keep it from closing.

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