2. "You have a beautiful smile, btw"

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Its finally Thursday and nothing really happened between me and Christian. He smiles at me a lot and I politely return the smile but other than that he asked for a pencil he never gave back but its ok its just a piece of wood. 

At lunch the cafeteria was pretty packed but luckily me and Kennedy got our seats first. Suddenly, Christian and Sincere approaches us. 

"Aye, is it cool if me and my homeboy sit with y'all." Christian asks.

I look over across form me at Kennedy and she says yh. Christian is sitting next to me and Sincere is sitting next to Kennedy. Sincere introduces his self and Christian does the same. 

"Nice to meet yall. I'm Kennedy and this is Angel." Kennedy smiles.

 I give them a tiny smile and wave. 

"Oh so you the shy one?" Sincere looks at me.

I giggle a little, "yeah"

"Yeah we can tell." Christian says and we all laugh.

Soon, Sincere starts a conversation with Kennedy and now its just me and Christian sitting there quietly. I'm on my phone and idk what Christian's up to.

"So, I got to start the conversation?" He grabs my attention.

I put my phone down," I'm sorry, I have very bad social anxiety"

"You good, but why you so shy?" Christian seems concerned.

"Idk, this just how I've always been since birth."

"I understand, well me and the homie just wanted to see what was up with yall. We finna go get lunch, y'all can come if y'all want."


Kennedy cuts me off, "We're going."

We all get up and head to Christians car, It's very nice. Christian gets in the drivers seat, Kennedy and Sincere hurries and gets in the back so, now I'm left with one choice...In the front with Christian. I sit in the front and put my seat belt on and everything was cool and then Christian asked where did we want to eat.

Everyone says Chick-fil-a but me.

Christian gives me a look and I say "Chick-fil-a is fine".

"Alr" Christian drives to Chick-fil-a and we go inside and order our food. Sincere and Kennedy already order theirs and found a table for us to sit at. So far they seemed to like each other. 

Its me and Christians turn to order. He orders his first and now its my turn.

"Whatever she gets put it on my tab." Christian says to the cashier.

"Are you sure?...I can pay for my own st-"

He cuts me off, "Yeah I'm sure."

"If you say so..."

I ordered my stuff and Christian pays for it.

"Thank you." I smile at him.

"Of course. Anytime, ma." He smiles back at me.

We sit and no longer than 2 minutes later the waitress brings us our food and we eat and talk.

After eating we head back to school and class has begun. 

I wouldn't see Christian till 8th period.

8th Period

8th period is Spanish. I really like it. The teacher is pretty chilled and she dosen't make shit hard for us. So far the school year is pretty good right now and I like it. This is the only period I have with Christin alone. Of course he sits by me. 

After the teacher finishes teaching her lesson she allowed us to do whatever we wanted. 

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second."

I look up from my phone, "Sure"

"Why you don't talk to me or why you scared to talk to me.."

I giggle a little, "Idk I just don't want to be annoying or be a bother toward you or anything like that."

"I mean understand but you could never be a bother to me."

I- what?

I nod and smile at him, "mk."

"You have a beautiful smile btw." He smiles back at me.

I cover my smile a lil, "Thank you."

"Of course mama." He says, "Can I have your number?"

"Sure." I write my number down on a piece of paper and hand it to him.

"Thanks Ma." Christian smiles at me.

I smile back, "Of course."

The bell ring and I grab my back pack and as I get up Christian and I kind of bump into each other and I almost fall, but suddenly I feel his hand wrapped around my waist. 

I look up and see Christian looking me into the eyes with a smile, "Be careful mama."

I giggle a little, "I'm sorry."

He lets me go and I walk away. I can feel him watching me walk away. Ugh now I cant stop smiling. 

I get in Kennedy's care and she peeps me smiling. 

"Now what happened bitch..." She seems excited.

I tell her what happened and she squeals. 

"Bitch he feeling you fr" She grins.

I giggle, "Girllll whatever, its too early to tell. But I seen you and Sincere getting along."

"Yeah with his cute ass. He's hella funny and sweet to me." Kennady smiles.

"Thats good bestie, I love that for you." I smile back at her.

She backs out of the parking lot and we head to the mall. We get to the mall and we bought like 3 outfits and some more makeup. I plan on going to her house after school and get ready for the party. My parents will be gone and her parents will be gone too. Her house is my house and my house is her house Lol. We're literally like family. 

After the mall we decide to get Chinese take out and go home. I got home and as usual nobodies there but me. I left my clothes and my new makeup with Kennedy since I'll be getting ready at her house. I put my backpack down and go do my night routine. After my night routine I eat and hit the shits, watched tv and called it a night.

(I know this is going by really fast but this just how I like my stories, if you don't like fast stories, simply exit...no shade.)

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