28. "Blow a bag or blow your back?"

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Moments later mom comes out her room after freshening up to talk.

"So what happened last night."

"Nothing really. He was just hella affectionate than usual."


"What about you, how are was your night?"

"Pretty nice. Paco took me out and blew a bag on me."

"Blow a bag or blow your back?

Mom laughs and rolls her eyes "Anyways...since we're about to make things official...." She pauses.

I fold my arms and sit back.

"We want to move in with each other and since we're very serious about the relationship...I think it's time for you guys to meet each other. Plus he's eagered to."

I smile, "Mk."

She smiles back.

"So what is he... Latino, Russian, German or?"

"He's Italian. You'll hear it in is voice."

"That's nice. So when are we going to meet."

The door bell rings.

Mom smiles,"Today."

She opens the door for Paco. They exchanged hugs and kisses and he had 2 bouquets of flowers. Then mom moves out his way and let's him in and suggests he has a seat.

"Hello." He says to me.

"Hi, I'm angel." I smile and reach my hand to him.

He takes it and shake my hand with a smile, "Wow you look just like your mother."

We finish shaking each other's hand and I let go and mom and I laugh.

He hands us our flowers, "Well this is for the 2 of you."

We take the flowers and thank him.

"Well I see you're having a baby. How more longer do you have?"

"Doc said I should pop any minute."

"That's wonderful."

"Not really, I'm scared."

"Don't be. You're gonna be fine."

We continue talking and getting to know each other as usual. Mom even showed him my embarassing ass baby pictures.

After talking and getting to know Paco, mom and him left and I went back in my room. No more than 30 min later Christian calls me.

"Hey, you up?"


"You ok?"

"Yeah. You sound hella worried what's wrong?"

"Well you're due date is around the corner plus I just wanna make sure my baby mom's is ok."

I'm trying so hard not to fucking blush, "Oh ok. Well yeah I'm fine."

"Good. Well come outside I have some stuff planned for us today."


We say by and hang up.

In the car

"Where we going?" I look up at him.

Christian has a smile on his face, "Don't worry about it."

We arrive at this photoshoot and Christian explains why we're here.

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