The Storm

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We climbed upstairs. Andrew was in front of me while I was struggling to carry the bags. It happened too quickly. Andrew opened the door and a loud bang echoed in my ears. I saw myself flying in the air and hitting the floor. My vision blurred. I saw pieces of flesh. I tried to get up but the pain in my head overpowered the will to get up. I felt my eyes closing involuntarily. Bloody hell!

As I laid there unconscious, all I could think about was that It wasn't a beautiful day after all. 

It seemed like a lifetime but somewhere in my head I heard screams and siren. I heard someone scream my name, was that Josh? Shouldn't he be at work? The damn idiot was going to be late.

"Don't you dare die on me Alex! I swear, I will kill you myself if I so much as see that you are not responding" What the fuck was he babbling about? I felt myself being lifted and moved. So much noise. My head hurts. Please keep it down, the noise was killing me.

"Alex, if you can hear me, squeeze my arms. I'm a paramedic, you are going to be alright" Another voice said. 

Paramedic? What the fuck was going on! Josh! Where are you, what is going on? It was right there, all I just needed to do was to remember. Damn! I need to get up but it is so difficult.

"Possible hemorrhage- concussion, no noticeable burn. Who is her primary contact?"

"It's me, my name is Josh"

"Get into the ambulance. You can speak to her, hold her hands. She needs familiarity"

"Close the door!"

"Sir, no, you can't get in sir. Sir! please, you can't"

"Who are you?"

"Matt, and I'm responsible for her".

Wait, Matt was here too. Can someone please tell me what is going on? I tried so hard to remember but the pain wouldn't let me.

"Sir, we can only allow one person in the ambulance. You can meet us at the hospital".

Hospital? They were not making any sense. What happened to me? Am I injured? Josh!

"Ma'am, you don't understand. I have to be there" I heard Matt say again. His collected voice had a bit of nervousness in it. Odd, Matt has never been nervous.

"Move! move! move! we are not losing this lady today. Get on with it please".

"Damn it! get in"

Everywhere was suddenly quiet but I still heard siren from afar. I was in a moving vehicle. I needed to speak with Josh. Josh, please give me the ice-cream from the bag. Josh?

"Alex, can you hear me? you are going to be fine. Just hang in there okay? You can push me out of the bed a million times if you want, but damn, stay alive so that you can do that"

I really need ice-cream. Where is it Josh?

"Alex! Alex! she squeezed my hands. Ma'am, she squeezed my hands."

"Keep talking to her- Damn her heart rate is dropping. Defib!"

"Damn it girl, you have to pull through. Clear!" I felt a shock go through my body.

"Charge to 300! clear!"

"Again! Damn it!"

"Oh no Alex, Alex please, just please Alex, please" Is that Josh crying? Josh don't cry, I'm right here.

"How many minutes?"

"Two minutes till we get there"

"You are not dying on me today! Starting compression!"

So much pressure on my chest. Where is the damn ice-cream?. I started floating. Oh this felt better. I could hear Josh faintly telling me we had arrived the hospital. I wanted to tell him that I was okay, that I just wanted to sleep a little. All the noise had left me exhausted, so exhausted. But something kept scraping through my mind. It is right there. It is very important. Where is it?

I kept floating. It was bliss. So much quiet. Who knew the world could learn to keep shut. I didn't know how much I needed this quiet until now. After everything I had been through. So much peace, so much-

There it is, right there. I remember. I remember now. No wonder I was restless.

Annoying bastard,


And I allowed the peace to envelope me.


Hmm this chapter is crazy. I have zero knowledge in medical terms. So if you are a medical practitioner and you find any mistake in this or next chapter, kindly let me know. 

Another chapter, loading soon.

We will get to see a glimpse of Damon's thought in the next chapter. 

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