Old crush

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He couldn't be serious right? I looked at the devil of a guy. Vincente had grown into a handsome young man. I remembered when we all used to play in the back yard of my home. Josh would tease me of my crush on Vincente. As a matter of fact, the bastard stole my first kiss; well, I gave it to him on a dare, but the bastard was my first.

One thing was for sure, my crush on Vincente had not dimmed. Seeing him now brought back all the reasons why I liked him. He had a boyish haircut which left his face sharp, and triangular. His facial hairs are to die for , especially as it made him more handsome. There was a mole at the corner of his left eye, and that added to his cuteness.

I looked at his physique, and knew for sure that the little boy I had known then had become a man. He wasn't all that tall but still taller than me. He was wearing a white shirt, tucked into a jeans trouser. Vincente was handsome, and he was a good old crush.

"Hey, earth to Alex!" I snapped out of my trance, hearing his fingers snap in front of me.

"Sorry, I'm just blown away by how matured you've become".

"Excuse me? I am 25. I'm a man now". He said, feigning angry.

"I know now" I smiled, and went in for another hug. Don't blame me, he was Vincente, my ever first anything. Yes, you heard me, including my virginity, he took it all. All for a dare. I never regretted it anyway. He was my crush, if there was anyone who deserved it at that time, it was him. If the feeling was mutual, I wouldn't know; but I could remember Josh teasing me that Vincente stared at me when I wasn't looking.

Those didn't matter anymore. I was glad to have seen him again. He made me remember the things that were missing in my life, the things I shouldn't have forgotten, the things that really mattered. I was happy to be home, and I would definitely take advantage of the moment.

"Mio Dio, you didn't even write. What happened?" He held my hands, and we both started walking aimlessly.

"I know, Vincente. Things happened. I was going through life, and I didn't want any interference from home. I guess that was stupid".

"Yes, it was". He said.

We both continued to walk in silence. Our fingers were intertwined, it felt nice. I looked at our little town, and felt the nostalgia hitting me right in my guts. There were places I recognized as a child. My mother sometimes brought us to a  shop around the corner, she would spoil us with Panini (Sandwiches made with Ciabatta bread) and ice-cream. I remembered how Vincente would lie to Josh that Ice-creams were bad for boys, Vincente would then give me his and Josh's ice-cream.

Great times. I missed those.

"Great times, yes?" He said to me, as if he knew what I was thinking. 

"Yes. I missed those days. I wish I could go back to those moments"

"Then, allow me to blow your mind away. Come, let me take you somewhere".

We both giggled like kids, and hastened our footsteps. Some old friends saw us, stopped for a chat. Some even pulled my hair like we used to when we were kids. But this time, I wasn't offended, I enjoyed every bit of it. I was having a great time.

We stopped a bit at Vincente's grandmother's house. She always made a fuss if he didn't visit, so we used the opportunity to say hello. She hugged me dearly, and scolded Vincente for not bringing me earlier. I didn't understand what that meant, but I was carried away with the love she showed us. She forced me to have lunch, but I promised, I would in my next visit.

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